Osteopathy Congenital Multiple Sclerosing

Osteopathy is based on a violation of the development of the skeleton and connective tissue, leading to the development of dystrophic changes in bones and cartilage. It manifests itself as heterotopia of ossification (primary and secondary), impaired growth and ossification of the skeleton, and destruction of bone tissue.


**Osteopathy** is a collective name for a large number of diseases that are characterized by a pronounced degenerative process in the bones of the skeleton. The most common symptoms are: bone pain, deformation of shapes, poor posture and shortening of limbs, the formation of protrusions on the bones and other skeletal changes.

Osteopathy congenital multiple sclerosis (CMS), or osteopathy Diffuse sclerosis (DS) is a rare genetic disease manifested by chromosomal structural abnormalities and the presence of bowing, deformed skull bones, based on impaired migration of cells and hormones in the early stages of embryonic development.

The main symptoms of bone deformation of the skull. - Formation of an abnormal head profile - heart-shaped, tangential, oblique, leaf-shaped face; Changing the shape of the back of the head - smacking shape (with the lateral corners pulled forward), trapezoidal; Irregular shape of the nose - a saddle-shaped nose in different degrees with lengthening and stretching of the wings, a saddle with a displacement of the tip of the nose towards the upper jaw; The caudal spine is a protruding cartilage that runs like a horse's mane from the middle part of the occipital bone down into the occipital