Osteosclerosis Generalized

***Generalized osteosclerosis*** * is a progressive, non-tumor systemic disease of the skeleton, which is based on increased bone formation and impaired microcirculation.*

Generalized lesions in osteoporosis are associated with both a decrease in BMD and a violation of the inflammatory factors of bone metamorphosis. According to the results of a number of studies, it has been established that there is a direct connection between the development of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis. It has been established that cellular immunity depends on the formation of acyclic enzymes aimed at destroying inflammatory cells. In response to the release of tumor necrosis factor ß by macrophages under the influence of antigens or lipopolysaccharide, an accelerated production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and the synthesis of acute phase proteins (haptoglobin) develop, which are able to block factor X, preventing the synthesis of prothrombin, and thereby reduce the likelihood of blood clots.