
There are many people who simply do not have a voice. These are disabled people, but not only them - these are also those people who were simply born without a “normal” voice. For a long time these people could not accept themselves. It seemed like everyone was trying to ignore them, go about their own business and not notice. But over time, such people learned to live with their illness, trying to use their only chance to benefit society. Such people live in our daily life in different professions. Someone acts as a singer, someone on television, but someone decided to turn their disadvantage into an advantage in order to turn it into a profession.

Pseudovoice is a unique voice that has the incredible ability to transform and change a person’s voice. Without such people, the lives of many actors, singers and TV presenters would be more boring, and their speeches would sound more monotonous. Their strength lies in the unpredictability and uniqueness of their voice, which is why such artists are valued by their circles. And what a pleasure the audience gets from listening to their performances!

These people don't speak like the average person. They add musical notes to their voice, use special techniques to process vocals, and can be very close to the range of the actor they are copying. And when a new voice sounds in another