Corrective Osteotomy According to the Turnip

Osteotomy according to Repka is a corrective operation in which the formation of a new curved joint is carried out, called not the “foot-tibia”, but the ankle bone (foot and lower leg), and the intermediate part of the leg bone is cut off obliquely and segmented to the joint. It is lifted from the incorrect position and reformed into the anatomical position. The present painful foot syndrome continues until bone tissue regeneration is completed.

Reception-pony is intended for the treatment of hallux valgus and varus deformities with a decrease in the angle of lateral flexion. The deformation angle on the left and right floors is limited to 20°.

The operation is used only when the glenoid cavity is completely destroyed, without blocking the bone fragment and tearing off the capsule. In other cases, it is necessary to perform arthrodesis.