Selection Disruptive

Disruptive selection is natural selection in which the relative frequencies of extreme manifestations of a trait in a population increase due to the displacement of individuals with average manifestations of this trait. This process can occur at different levels of organization of living organisms, from molecular to population.

Disruptive selection is one of the mechanisms of evolution. It can lead to the emergence of new species and forms of life, as well as to changes in existing ones. For example, in nature there are often species that have extreme manifestations of traits, such as large and small sizes, high and low reproduction rates, high and low disease resistance, etc.

One of the main reasons leading to destructive selection is natural selection. It occurs as a result of the struggle for survival and reproduction between individuals with different manifestations of the trait. Those individuals that have extreme manifestations of the trait may have an advantage over other individuals in the struggle for resources and space.

In addition, disruptive selection can be caused by other factors such as mutations, genetic changes, climate change and other factors. As a result of these changes, new life forms with extreme manifestations of a trait can arise, which can then spread and survive in new conditions.

In general, disruptive selection plays an important role in evolution and is one of the key mechanisms that allow living organisms to adapt to changing environmental conditions. It allows those individuals that exhibit extreme expressions of traits to survive and reproduce, which ultimately leads to the diversity of species and life forms on our planet.

Disruptive selection is natural selection in which there is an increase in the relative frequencies of extreme manifestations of a trait in a population and a decrease in the frequencies of those with average values ​​of this trait due to extinction or a decrease in the frequency of transmission of genes that transmit characteristics of the average value.

Nature uses the mechanism of natural selection to eliminate all individual differences in populations