Otitis Moderate Catarrhal Acute

Otitis media, catarrhal, acute.

**Otitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the auditory tube and mucous membrane of the auditory canal. If left unattended, it can lead to serious complications such as meningitis or even death of the patient. However, timely detection and treatment can save a person’s life. In this article, we will talk about how to identify otitis media, what treatments are available, and how to prevent complications. Symptoms of catarrhal otitis Symptoms of otitis media **catarrhal** acute are manifested in the following: * pain in the ear of severe intensity; * hearing loss,

The ear is a sensory organ that perceives sound waves and also protects our brain from external noise. Impaired ear function can have serious consequences and cause serious complications. One of these disorders is acute catarrhal otitis media (AOM).

AOM belongs to the group of acute otitis media or labyrinthine otitis. This type of otitis is characterized by inflammation of the contents of the middle ear, which is localized in the middle ear, tympanic cavity or intracranial fluid. NDEs can be caused by a bacterial or viral infection. It can mimic other diseases such as catarrh, mastoiditis, myringitis.