
Endogenous development of regions as a factor of urbanization (using the example of the Lower Volga region).

Introduction Urbanization is an evolutionary process of the emergence and development of a city as a form of human settlement. The region is characterized by the process of development of urban space at the expense of rural areas. According to one of the theories, for example, F. Braudel, the process of folding the city’s space is the logical culmination of the development of urban planning. And this theory was taken as a basis in our case. The evolutionary approach in this case was reflected in the representation of the object and some of its characteristics. A certain speed and phasing of this process plays a huge role in shaping the human living environment. This study presents an analysis of the influence of the endogenous development of the territories of the lower Volga region on the process of urbanization in the region. Depending on the level of development of regions according to the principle of endogenous growth, a regional model of development of the Lower Volga region of the Russian Federation is substantiated, an algorithm for assessing and selecting a territory for the implementation of further urban planning decisions is formed. At the present stage of development in Russian legislation there are no special documents regarding aspects of the formation, functioning and development of municipalities as objects of urban planning activities. However, a number of theoretical and methodological developments in this area are contained in industry scientific works, regulations, and methodological recommendations