Cinchonism Poisoning

Cinchona bark poisoning (cinhonism) is a poisoning that occurs when an overdose of quinine or drugs such as quinine and quinidine, which contain it.

Characteristic symptoms of poisoning are: ringing in the ears, dizziness, blurred vision (sometimes complete blindness), skin rash, fever and low blood pressure.

Treatment of poisoning is carried out with the help of diuretics, which increase the rate of elimination of toxic compounds from the human body. In this way, the serious consequences of an overdose of quinine preparations are prevented.

Cinchonism: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

There are many substances in the medical world that, if used incorrectly or overdosed, can cause negative side effects. One such substance is quinine, also known as Cinchona Bark. Cinchonism poisoning, or Cinchonism, occurs when you overdose on quinine or drugs containing quinine and quinidine. In this article we will look at the causes, symptoms and treatments for this condition.

Cinchona Bark is a plant source of quinine, an alkaloid widely used medicinally to combat malaria. However, if you exceed the recommended dose or use quinine or quinidine for a long time, negative effects may occur.

The main symptoms of Cinchona Bark poisoning are:

  1. Tinnitus: Patients may experience ringing, noise, or buzzing in the ears, which can be extremely bothersome and interfere with daily activities.

  2. Dizziness: A common symptom is a feeling of dizziness or instability when moving, which can lead to loss of balance and falls.

  3. Impaired vision: Cinchona bark poisoning may cause vision problems such as blurred or decreased visual acuity. In some cases, complete blindness may even occur.

  4. Skin Rash: Some people suffering from Cinchona Bark poisoning may develop a skin rash or an allergic reaction to medications containing quinine.

  5. Fever and Decreased Blood Pressure: Increased body temperature and decreased blood pressure may result from Cinchona Bark poisoning.

If these symptoms occur, you should immediately seek medical help. Treatment of Cinchona Bark poisoning includes the following measures:

  1. Stop consuming quinine or drugs containing quinine or quinidine. It is important to consult your doctor for advice regarding stopping your medications.

  2. Use of diuretics: To speed up the removal of toxic compounds from the body, the use of diuretics may be prescribed. They help increase urine volume and help get rid of harmful substances.

  3. Symptomatic treatment: Your doctor may prescribe medications to relieve symptoms such as dizziness, ringing in the ears, and skin reactions.

  4. Maintenance therapy: If blood pressure or fever decreases, supportive care may be required to stabilize the patient's condition. This may include intravenous fluids or medications to help maintain normal blood pressure.

  5. Preventing re-poisoning: After regaining health, it is important to avoid repeated overdose of quinine or preparations containing quinine. Patients should strictly follow the doctor's recommendations regarding the dosage and duration of medication.

It is important to note that Cinchona Bark poisoning is rare, especially when used under the supervision of a medical professional. However, if you self-medicate or exceed the recommended dose, the risk of poisoning increases.

In conclusion, Cinchonism poisoning can occur from an overdose of quinine or drugs containing quinine and quinidine. It is important to follow your doctor's recommendations regarding the dosage and duration of taking these medications. If symptoms of poisoning occur, seek medical help. Early diagnosis and timely treatment will help prevent possible complications and promote a speedy recovery of the patient’s health.

Cinchonism: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Quinnium Bark Poisoning, also known as Cinchonism, is a condition caused by an overdose of quinine or drugs containing quinine and quinidine. Cinchona bark, obtained from plants of the Rutaceae family (Rubiaceae), is used in medicine as an antimalarial and antiarrhythmic agent. However, if used incorrectly or in excessive dosage, these drugs can cause toxic effects on the human body.

Characteristic symptoms of Cinchona Bark poisoning are:

  1. Tinnitus: A constant or intermittent ringing sound in the ears, known as tinnitus, is one of the early signs of quinine poisoning. This symptom may be painful and uncomfortable.

  2. Dizziness: Patients suffering from Cinchona Bark poisoning may experience dizziness or a feeling of instability. This is due to the effect of quinine on the central nervous system.

  3. Deterioration of vision: Increased sensitivity of the eyes to light, blurred vision and even loss of visual function can be a consequence of Quinn Bark poisoning. In some cases, complete blindness may occur.

  4. Skin rash: The appearance of a skin rash, which may be itchy or red, is another symptom of quinine poisoning. Common locations for the rash to appear include the face, neck, arms and legs.

  5. Fever and Decreased Blood Pressure: Increased body temperature accompanied by fever as well as decreased blood pressure can be observable signs of Quinnaya Bark poisoning.

Treatment of Cinchona Bark poisoning includes the following measures:

  1. Stopping the use of quinine or drugs containing quinine and quinidine: The first step in treating poisoning is to stop further use of these substances. In the case of a medicinal product, it is important to consult a doctor for instructions on dosage and duration of use.

  2. Symptomatic treatment: To relieve the symptoms of poisoning, antipruritic and antiallergic drugs can be used. In some cases, it may be necessary to use medications to lower blood pressure and relieve dizziness.

  3. Diuretics: Diuretics can be used to speed up the elimination of toxic compounds from the human body. They help increase the rate of urine formation and excretion, which helps in the effective removal of quinine from the body.

  4. Accompanying therapy: Depending on the severity of symptoms and the patient's condition, accompanying therapy may be required. This may include restoring electrolyte balance, maintaining stable blood pressure, and alleviating other related problems.

It is important to note that Cinchona Bark poisoning is rare and usually occurs with excessive dosage or prolonged use of Cinchona preparations. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to the recommended dosage and follow the doctor's instructions or the directions on the drug package.

If these symptoms occur or you suspect Cinchona Bark poisoning, it is important to immediately contact a medical professional for medical attention and further treatment. Diagnosis is based on symptoms, history, and possible exposure to quinine or drugs containing quinine or quinidine.

In general, Cinchona Bark poisoning is a serious condition, but if you seek medical help promptly and follow your doctor's recommendations, full recovery is possible. Therefore, it is important to be careful and careful when using preparations with quinine, and if unusual symptoms occur, seek medical help.