Poisonous Substances of Psychotomimetic Action

Psychotomimetic agents, also known as o.v. psychotic, o.v. psychotomimetic or o.v. psychochemicals are a group of chemicals that can cause altered states of consciousness similar to mental disorders, including psychoses and psychotic symptoms. These substances have the potential to cause hallucinations, distorted thinking, impaired perception of reality, and other mental effects.

Understanding and studying psychotomimetic toxicants has important implications for a variety of fields, including science, medicine, and law enforcement. Uncontrolled use of these substances may pose a threat to public health and safety.

One of the most famous examples of psychotomimetic toxicants is LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide). LSD was synthesized in 1938 and became widely known in the 1960s when its use became popular in the context of the counterculture movement. LSD causes intense hallucinations, changes in the perception of time and space, and affects mood and emotional state.

Another well-known example is psilocybin, which is found in mushrooms of the genus Psilocybe. Psilocybin also has psychotomimetic properties and is widely known for its ability to induce altered states of consciousness.

One of the main problems associated with psychotomimetic toxic substances is their potential danger and negative consequences. Unauthorized and uncontrolled use of these substances can lead to serious mental disorders, panic attacks, anxiety, aggressiveness and even suicide. Moreover, there is a risk of poor quality or counterfeit substances, which can lead to unpredictable health consequences for users.

Regulating psychotomimetic toxicants is challenging. Different countries have different approaches to the classification and control of such substances. Some of them are on the list of illegal drugs, while others may only be available with a medical prescription. However, due to the constant development of new substances and methods of their production, effective control of the entire group of psychotomimetic toxic substances is a difficult task.

Further studies of psychotomimetic toxic substances are important for understanding their mechanisms of action on the brain and mental processes. This could facilitate the development of new treatments for mental disorders, as well as help develop more effective strategies to prevent and combat the illicit use of these substances.

In conclusion, psychotomimetic agents are a group of chemicals capable of inducing altered states of consciousness similar to mental disorders. Their use and control are complex tasks requiring further research and development of appropriate strategies. It is important to continue studying these substances to protect public health and safety.

Poisonous substances with psychomimetic properties, also known as active substances, are chemical substances that act directly (effect directly, not indirectly) on the higher functions of the central nervous system, including the central nervous system, and can lead to acute impairment of physical and / or mental activity . In this state, a person may experience several different types of sensations or thoughts. They may also affect motor and speech activity, and the ability to move the face, body, and other bodies. Some of these substances