Out of sight, tired eyes

Bags under the eyes are definitely not the best way to start the day. If more and more often you wake up with bags under your eyes, you need to begin an active fight against this unattractive cosmetic defect. What is the reason?

But before we move directly to the tips, let's look at the reasons. And there are enough reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon. What can cause bags under the eyes? Firstly, bad heredity. Between the skin of the eyelids and the subcutaneous tissue there is a thin membrane, which can be naturally either denser or thinner. Thinning of the membrane leads to the formation of small holes through which fatty tissue escapes. As a result, bags form under the eyes. If, as a result of heredity, you already have a thin membrane, then you have every chance of dealing with bags under your eyes in the near future.

Causes of bags under the eyes also include, but are not limited to, lack of sleep, allergies, hormonal changes associated with a woman's monthly cycle, excess water in the body, stress, poor diet and frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages.

What to do?

Taking care of the skin around the eyes to prevent bags should be done every day. It is recommended to use unscented cleansers to remove makeup. Avoid rubbing your eyes excessively. If, when using a cosmetic product for the first time, redness of the skin and watery eyes are observed, then you should stop using it.

Every evening you should apply a moisturizer or skin care product to the eye area. In the morning, you need to wash your face with cool water; it is also useful to apply ice cubes to the infraorbital area. In summer it is necessary to use sunscreen.

It is also necessary to combat stress, regularly take multivitamins, and perform eye exercises (put your hands on your temples and try to move the skin back using facial muscles. The exercise should be repeated several times during the day).

The most wonderful remedy in the fight against bags under the eyes is healthy sleep, complete rest, moderate consumption of water, regular and balanced nutrition, lack of stress (or the ability to cope with it!).

If conventional folk remedies are no longer enough to get rid of bags under the eyes, there are still surgical ones: blepharoplasty (removal of excess skin in the eyelid area and removal of the fat pad under the eyes), as well as the use of carbon dioxide laser (smoothes the skin around the eyes, makes it more elastic).

Indispensable recipes

Time passes, medicine progresses, but nothing can replace good old grandmother’s advice! Let's turn to them!

  1. Brew a teaspoon of black tea in 1/4 cup of boiling water, leave for 30-40 minutes, strain. The compress is applied for 10 minutes. Keep cotton swabs soaked in tea for 1-2 minutes, changing them 3-4 times. After completing the procedure, make a compress of cold water and apply a nourishing cream to the eyelids.

  2. Daily short-term ice age from an infusion of sage, chamomile or string.

  3. 1 tbsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of cornflowers, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Apply tampons moistened with warm infusion to the eyes for 15-20 minutes.

  4. Boil potatoes in their skins. When it becomes warm, cut it with a knife and apply it to your eyes for 30-40 minutes.

  5. Make compresses from sage decoction (cold and warm). Pour a teaspoon of sage leaves into half a glass of boiling water. Leave covered for 10-15 minutes, strain, cool half, heat the other half. Alternately apply cotton swabs soaked in hot or cold infusion to the eyelids. Do the procedure before going to bed, after which lubricate the skin with eyelid cream.

Take care of yourself, love and feel sorry for yourself - and let nothing in your appearance show signs of fatigue. As the charming secretary from “Office Romance” Verochka said, “And let me