Email is bad for your heart

Experts from the University of California decided to determine whether addiction to email affects people, because there are such workaholics who check their email every five minutes.

The scientists recruited a team of volunteers who were divided into two groups: one was limited in access to the electronic device for five days, and the second was allowed to use it as much as they wish. Moreover, all participants in the experiment wore wristbands on their wrists, which showed the specialists the necessary data. Thus, it turned out that representatives of the group with free access to viewing e-mail were in a constant state of high alert all the time, which often causes heart problems and stress. But those people who found themselves limited in their capabilities forgot about all sorts of shocks for five days and were relaxed and satisfied.

In connection with the data obtained, the scientists called on employers to arrange a kind of vacation for subordinates, when they would take a break from emails. This will reduce the risks of heart and nervous system diseases.