How to maintain health during sedentary work?

Sedentary work, as we know, does not have the best effect on the health of our body. According to recent research by scientists, prolonged sitting in an incorrect position can lead to diabetes and premature death.

Scientists offer a simple solution: sit no more than three hours a day - which will add two years to your life. It would seem that there is really nothing complicated about this, but what to do when you spend eight hours at the computer every day? The editor of the fitness and health column for the online magazine Prevention, Jenna Bergen, talks about how to sit in front of a monitor correctly for health and longevity.

Keyboard: place your elbows on the table along your body - not apart, as we are used to, but keep them just below the chest line. The keyboard should be at a distance equal to the length of your arm from the elbow to the wrist, the mouse should be parallel to the keyboard. This straightens your posture while sitting and eliminates pain in the back and neck-collar area.

Monitor: ideal location - at eye level. If this is not possible, move your computer monitor to arm's length. When working with a laptop, tilt the monitor back as far as it will go. This way the head is tilted less, which reduces the strain on the eyes and the back of the head. Also, if possible, purchase special glasses for working with a computer or moisturize your eyes with water every 2 hours.

Leg position: legs bent at 90 degrees, knees parallel to the floor. This position normalizes blood circulation and eases the load on the lower back. It is important to consider one more rule: periodically stretch your legs and make circular movements with your feet. This warm-up exercises your leg muscles while sitting. Office shoes should be comfortable and have flat soles.

Rest: You probably know that eating in front of a computer monitor is harmful to your health. Also remember that after eating it is necessary for the food to be properly absorbed by the body. So after lunch, don’t rush back to your desk, but take 10-15 minutes to rest. Make tea, chat with co-workers, or go outside for some fresh air.