Ovulation Stimulation

Proper stimulation of ovulation requires detailed and continuous ultrasound monitoring of follicular and endometrial development over several cycles. This allows the doctor to accurately determine how the body responds to hormonal therapy and adjust drug doses depending on the results.

It is important to understand that stimulation of ovulation can lead to the development of multiple ovaries, which increases the risk of multiple pregnancies. Therefore, monitoring the development of follicles and stopping stimulation when a certain follicle size is reached is a necessary measure to prevent such undesirable consequences.

In addition, stimulation of ovulation can lead to a number of side effects, such as headaches, nausea, visual disturbances, and an increased risk of developing ovarian tumors. Therefore, before ovulation stimulation begins, it is necessary to undergo regular examinations with a doctor and monitor your well-being while taking medications.

In conclusion, ovulation stimulation is an effective treatment for some forms of infertility, but should be carried out only after a comprehensive examination and individual selection of drugs and their dosages. You should not abuse this method of treatment and make a decision to stimulate ovulation without consulting a specialist. Only properly performed ovulation stimulation can help women get pregnant and become mothers.