
Rodents are the most numerous and ancient order of the class of mammals. They make up about 42.5% of all mammals living on earth.

Rodents include mice, rats, squirrels, marmots, hamsters and many other types of animals. Rodents have incisors that grow throughout their lives and help them chew and grind food.

Rodents are distributed throughout the world and inhabit a wide variety of habitats - from deserts to tundra. They play an important role in ecosystems, providing prey for predators, pollinating plants, and dispersing seeds.

Some species of rodents have been tamed by humans and become pets. However, some rodents can harm agriculture and carry dangerous diseases.

Thus, rodents are a unique and important group of animals that play a significant role in nature and human life. Their diversity, prevalence and adaptability make them one of the most successful orders of mammals on our planet.

World of rodents!

Rodents are mammals that combine many species with common structural features. In their biology, rodents differ from lagomorphs - they are quite smaller than them. Some domestic animals are classified as rodent species: guinea pigs, hamsters and rats. The remaining representatives of this group do not get divorced at home. What are rats?

Rats are animals, one of whose distinguishing features is a bushy tail, reminiscent of the long tail of a swallow. The rat's tail serves as a balancer for the body, helping the animal maintain balance and maneuver between furniture and other objects. Such a tail is very developed in scribe and big-nosed rats, thanks to which the diversity of all animals of this species is maintained. Rats are fertile creatures: each individual brings up to 32 cubs per year. And also the female does not lose the opportunity to place the baby in another family.

Ordinary rats, or pasyuki, as they are often called by city dwellers, are very smart. Zoologists know that Pasyuk easily distinguishes between real and fake food. If you eat a “tasty” treat for a rat by putting it in your mouth, and then return to feeding after 45 minutes, the animal will not eat the food. Pasyuk will certainly search and find the most delicious.

The long thick tail of rodents is covered with thick hair. Due to this, the tail of rats well protects its owner from the harmful effects of cold, heat and