Oxygen barotherapy

Oxygen barotherapy is a treatment method that uses a combination of oxygen and pressure to improve blood circulation and metabolism in the body. This method was developed in the 19th century by a doctor from Italy, but has only recently become popular due to its effective results.

Oxygen barotherapy is used for various diseases, such as arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, migraine, diabetes, as well as for rehabilitation after injuries and operations. It may also be useful for people who play sports or work in environments that require high levels of physical activity.

With oxygen barotherapy, oxygen enters the body through a mask or tube that is connected to a pressure chamber. Pressure is created in the chamber, which helps oxygen penetrate tissues and organs. This improves blood circulation and metabolism, which promotes tissue repair and pain reduction.

One of the advantages of oxygen barotherapy is that it does not require the use of drugs or injections. In addition, it does not cause side effects such as nausea or dizziness.

However, like any other treatment method, oxygen barotherapy has its limitations. For example, it may cause discomfort or pain during the first procedures, especially if the patient suffers from high blood pressure or other cardiovascular diseases.

Overall, oxygen barotherapy is an effective and safe treatment that can help many people improve their health and quality of life.

Oxygen therapy is a type of physical therapy that involves saturating the patient's blood with oxygen through inhalation of pure oxygen in a capsule or by connecting to a ventilator. This allows you to improve lung function, improve oxygen saturation in the body and, as a result, reduce the load on the heart and blood vessels. Also, this technique gives a positive effect in case of brain injuries and damage to its functions, as well as hemorrhages. Oxygenation of the tissues of our body delivers oxygen and “removes” carbon dioxide, which is formed during the metabolic process, which helps maintain the balance of oxygen in tissues and increases the energy efficiency of cells. Oxygen therapy also reduces pain, enhances tissue regeneration and reduces inflammation around the wound. Unlike simple breathing therapy, which aims to supply oxygen only to the lungs, oxygen therapy involves maintaining a constant level of oxygen in the patient’s blood and tissues. This method can be used for both acute and chronic lack of oxygen in the body to treat various diseases and conditions,