Refraction of the Eye Myopic

**Eye refraction myopia** is a type of eye refraction in which the image is focused in front of the retina rather than on it. This occurs because the cornea of ​​the eye bends light rays incorrectly or too strongly. As a result, the image is distorted and perceived incorrectly. People's eyes most often encounter manifestations of hypermetropia, less often with myopia or astigmatism.

Myopia manifests itself in the form of farsightedness and is the leading optical anomaly of the eye.

This condition has the following symptoms: - Complaints related to blurred vision; - With a pronounced deterioration in visibility, the picture may be blurry, objects may not be clear enough; - It is difficult for a person to see small details; compensation of effort is required to read the text; - An ophthalmologist may go through a visit to the doctor without detecting any changes, or diagnose myopia. In the second case, you may need to visit several specialists