Oxygen Tent

An Oxygen Lent is a type of tent designed to supply the patient with pure oxygen.

This tent is made of special gas-tight materials and has a sealed design. An oxygen source is installed inside the tent, most often an oxygen concentrator or a cylinder with compressed oxygen.

The oxygen tent is used in medical institutions for the treatment and prevention of hypoxia (oxygen starvation). It allows you to create an environment with a high oxygen content for the patient.

Advantages of an oxygen tent:

  1. The ability to accurately control the oxygen concentration inside the tent.

  2. Preventing oxygen loss and using it effectively.

  3. Compactness and mobility compared to stationary oxygen plants.

  4. The ability to provide the patient with oxygen in conditions where oxygen supply through a mask or nasal cannulas is for some reason impossible or difficult.

Therefore, the oxygen tent is an effective medical equipment to help patients with oxygen deficiency in the body. It allows you to optimize treatment and improve the results of therapy for hypoxic conditions.