Pacemaker Qrs-Synchronous

– a biocontrolled electrical pacemaker (E.B.), which senses the complex of QRS waves of the electrocardiogram (ECG) and issues stimulation pulses during the refractory period (RP) phase, and in the absence of QRS complexes, or when they slow down, below a certain value, switches to an asynchronous operating mode .

A QRS synchronous pacemaker is a device that allows you to regulate your heart rate as needed. It works based on an ECG signal that is transmitted through electrodes attached to the patient's body. Depending on the patient's condition, the pacemaker can be configured for different operating modes. For example, if the heart rate is too fast, the pacemaker will deliver pacing pulses to slow it down. If the heart rate is slow, the pacemaker will go into asynchronous mode to speed it up.

One of the main advantages of a QRS-synchronous pacemaker is that it provides more efficient and stable heart function. This reduces the risk of developing arrhythmia and other complications associated with heart rhythm disturbances. In addition, a QRS synchronous pacemaker has a lower risk of complications than other types of pacemakers, such as fixed-rate pacemakers.

Electrocardiostimulation QRS-synchronous

One of the most common heart rhythm disorders is arrhythmia. This pathology is characterized by an irregular heartbeat and can lead to serious complications such as myocardial infarction and heart failure. One of the methods of treating arrhythmia