Pachymeningitis Hemorrhagic Internal

Hemorrhagic internal pachymeningitis: symptoms, causes and treatment

Hemorrhagic internal pachymeningitis (Haemorrhagica interna) is a rare disease characterized by inflammation of the meninges and hemorrhagic syndrome, manifested by hemorrhages in various organs and tissues. This is a serious and dangerous disease that requires quick and qualified medical intervention.

The causes of hemorrhagic internal pachymeningitis are not fully understood. It is now believed that it may be caused by certain infections such as herpes simplex virus, tick-borne encephalitis virus, leprosy virus, bacterial infections, as well as autoimmune disorders.

Symptoms of hemorrhagic internal pachymeningitis include headache, convulsions, nausea, vomiting, changes in consciousness, as well as hemorrhagic syndrome in the form of hemorrhages in various organs and tissues. In severe cases of the disease, paralysis and coma may occur.

Diagnosis of hemorrhagic internal pachymeningitis includes neuroimaging, liquor studies, blood tests for infections and autoimmune disorders.

Treatment of hemorrhagic internal pachymeningitis requires intensive therapy, which includes the use of antibiotics, antiviral drugs, glucocorticosteroids, as well as symptomatic therapy to relieve pain and other symptoms. In severe cases, surgery may be required to remove hemorrhages.

Despite the fact that hemorrhagic internal pachymeningitis is a rare disease, its diagnosis and treatment require highly qualified medical specialists. If you experience symptoms associated with this disease, you should seek immediate medical attention.

Pachymeningoscopic picture: Melted, cherry-red substance without bridges, fibrin deposition with hyperemia formations, hyperechoic image on the first line.

Preliminary data. Patients were admitted to outpatient appointments after 18–38 days. The average age of the patients was 64 years (51 years were men), the duration of the disease was 5 days.