Inguinal Ring External

Hello. In this article we will look at the topic “External inguinal ring”.

What is the external inguinal ring? The external inguinal ring is an anatomical formation that is located between the lateral muscle fibers of the external and internal rectus abdominis muscles. It plays an important role in the formation of the abdominal wall and provides connection between the muscles and nearby abdominal structures.

The anatomical term "groin ring" refers to the area between the outer and inner rings where the muscles that allow movement of the legs are attached. Additionally, this area contains the “embryonic internal ring,” also known as the “open inguinal point,” which is critical for development in children during puberty. Therefore, all specialists, especially surgeons and traumatologists, should know the external and internal features of the ring in adults and children in order to avoid possible complications.

To create your ring, doctors may use partial tissue: purse string (suture material), fascia along with the muscles of the orbicularis major muscle, or mesh tissue. In addition, doctors may use flaps from an area formed by fibers or fascia obtained from the aponeurosis muscles, or even sometimes from other flaps from your body. As a result of these different techniques, your outer ring