Finger Test

The finger-finger or Barany test is a method of testing the response of individual nerves of the central nervous system to impulses transmitted through sensory nerve pathways (for example, the fingers or hands). It is a diagnostic and investigative procedure that is often used in neurological diagnosis and peripheral nervous system diseases. The purpose of the test is to determine the cause of pain and tactile and temperature disorders of the palms and fingers in the areas located after the wrist joint, the examined finger and phalanges. That is, this test allows you to determine the state of the central nervous system, as well as peripheral nerve fibers and endings. The procedure can be prescribed for people with neurological disorders, as well as people who experience pain or burning in the hands and fingers. During the study, the doctor performs a manual diagnosis, paying attention to the presence of contractions in the skin of the palm and fingers, as well as changes in nerve density. Sensitivity testing in the area of ​​the palms and surfaces of the fingertips can also be carried out using special equipment. Before the test, patients should be in a calm atmosphere, completely relax and concentrate