Diseases of Adaptation

Adaptation diseases are pathological conditions that arise when nonspecific factors (stressors) act on the body, which can be caused by various reasons, such as physical, chemical, biological or psychological factors. These adaptation diseases can appear in different forms and have different symptoms.

One of the main mechanisms for the occurrence of adaptation diseases is the imperfection (redundancy) of the body’s adaptive reactions to the action of stressors. This can lead to the body being unable to adequately respond to external factors and adapt to new environmental conditions. As a result, various diseases arise, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, depression and others.

To prevent the occurrence of adaptation diseases, it is necessary to develop the body's resistance to stress and improve adaptive abilities. This can be done, for example, through exercise, proper nutrition, rest and relaxation. It is also important to monitor your mental health and prevent depression or other mental disorders.

In general, adaptation diseases are an important problem for human health. They can occur as a result of various stressors and lead to various diseases. Prevention and treatment of these diseases require an integrated approach and include improving lifestyle, proper nutrition, exercise and other methods.

Adaptation diseases is a term proposed by G. Selle to denote the state of the body that occurs when it is exposed to nonspecific pathogenic factors that can affect its body, making it less resistant to stressful situations. G. Sele became famous thanks to his theory of adaptation, which explains the development of diseases and the body’s response to unfavorable environmental factors. In some cases, adaptation disease can cause disturbances in the immune system, endocrine system and nervous system. And although adaptation diseases can have both positive and negative consequences for the body, it is important to recognize and treat them.