Panamore At-50

Panamor AT-50 is a drug belonging to the group of anti-inflammatory drugs, a derivative of phenylacetic acid.

Production of the Panamora AT-50 is carried out in the Republic of South Africa by the Lenn Ltd corporation. The international name of the drug is Diclofenac. Synonyms for Panamor are drugs such as Allovoran, Apo-diclo, Bioranrapid, Votrex and others. The dosage form of the drug is film-coated tablets.

Indications. Panamor AT-50 is used for inflammatory diseases of joints and tendons (rheumatism, arthrosis, soft tissue damage due to trauma, spondylitis), eye diseases (ophthalmological). To prevent swelling due to surgery and myalgia. The drug is used topically for injections and lens surgeries. It also appears in other diseases associated with inflammation. Used for postoperative pain relief. It is used for primary and secondary abortion, menopause, dysmenorrhea, migraine-like pain in men and women. Most often used as replacement therapy after bisphosphates. Side effects. Basic