Panaritium Phlegmonous

Panaritium flexomozoo: causes, symptoms, treatment

Panaritium is an inflammation of the periungual fold, which is usually accompanied by severe pain and swelling in the area of ​​the finger or nail. With panaritium, the formation of a purulent cavity - an abscess - is possible. Panaritiums can occur on a variety of fingers and toes, but the ring and little fingers are most often affected. Panaritium: causes of occurrence

The disease occurs when an infection enters the tissue of the finger due to an injury or cut to the cuticle, which protects the nail plate from fungi and bacteria. A common cause of the appearance of panaritium is panarichia - defective formation of the nail plate and the ridge around it. Panarichia can be caused by trauma during the removal or regrowth of a nail, as well as viral infections in children.

Infections that reduce immunity, diabetes, psoriasis, vitamin deficiency and a general decrease in immunity, chronic