
Panostitis is a disease characterized by inflammatory processes in the bones. It can occur due to various factors, including infections, injuries, rheumatic diseases and tumors. Panostitis can be localized to a specific bone or spread to several bones.

Symptoms of panosteitis may include pain, swelling, redness of the skin, fever, and sometimes bleeding. Treatment of panastoyan disease depends on the cause of its occurrence. If panostitis is caused by an infection, antibiotic therapy may be prescribed. In this case, inflammation can be relieved with the help of physiotherapy and the use of anti-inflammatory drugs. Surgery may be required if tumors are present or to remove an infection in the bone.

One of the reasons for the development of panostitis is impaired blood circulation in bone tissue. This can lead to inflammation and bone destruction, which in turn can cause serious health problems. In particular, panostitis can manifest itself in the form of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, such as osteomyelitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, lymphogranulomatosis and others.

The clinical picture and symptoms of panostitis may vary depending on the cause of the disease. However, we can talk about the following general symptoms and clinical manifestations: - pain and discomfort in the affected area - redness and swelling of the skin in the affected area - pain when moving the joint or bone affected by inflammation - increased body temperature - deformation of bone tissue - general malaise and fatigue

Diagnosis of panostitis may include imaging studies such as X-rays and CT scans, which can reveal changes in bone structure. Laboratory diagnostic methods, such as blood tests and biopsies, are also used to determine the cause of the inflammation.

Treatment of panastoy depends on the type of disease, the severity of symptoms and the individual characteristics of the patient. However, there is a general set of measures that can help cope with the disease. Thus, the therapist usually recommends a diet high in calcium and vitamin D, physical activity, anti-inflammatory medications, medications that reduce pain and fever