Chief Sanitary Doctor

The chief sanitary doctor is the official heading the departmental sanitary and epidemiological service in the Ministry of Railways. It monitors compliance with sanitary and epidemiological norms and rules at all Ministry facilities, including railway stations, stations, trains and other transport infrastructure facilities.

The Chief Sanitary Doctor has broad powers, which include:

– carrying out inspections for compliance with sanitary and epidemiological norms and rules;
– issuing orders to take measures to eliminate violations;
– monitoring compliance with instructions;
– participation in the development of measures to prevent and combat infectious diseases;
– interaction with other departments and organizations within their competence.

The chief sanitary doctor must have a higher medical education and experience working in the sanitary-epidemiological service. He must also undergo periodic certification and advanced training in the field of hygiene and epidemiology.

The primary responsibility of the Chief Sanitary Officer is to ensure the safety and health of the population he serves. He must ensure that all transport-related facilities comply with sanitary and epidemiological requirements and standards, and also monitor compliance with these standards at all levels - from passengers to staff.

In addition, the Chief Sanitary Officer must cooperate with other authorities and organizations, such as the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Transport and others, to ensure the safety and health of passengers and employees.

In general, the chief sanitary officer plays an important role in ensuring safety and health in transport. His work requires high qualifications, responsibility and constant improvement of knowledge and skills in the field of sanitary and epidemiological control.

The chief sanitary doctor is an official in many states, as an administrative and technical manager or a civil servant responsible for the health of the population in the field of public life or public education. Its scope of activity generally extends to public and private facilities in accordance with established legal requirements and implementation of regulations. The main role of this personality is played by