Lumbar incision According to Fedorov

Fedorovsky lumbar incision is one of the most common surgical methods for treating herniated intervertebral discs. It was developed by Russian physician Pyotr Fedorovich in 1857 and has since been widely popular among surgeons and patients. Fedorov's goal was to relieve the pain and discomfort caused by spinal hernias by removing the problematic disc and supporting the spine with a support material.

Fedorov's procedure includes several stages. First, the patient is placed on the operating table on his stomach with his legs extended and strapped to the bottom of the table. The surgeon then makes an incision in the skin and fascia along the back, from the bottom of the sacrum to the top of the buttocks. The bones of the spine and the intervertebral disc are not affected, but all soft tissues are released. Next, the surgeon removes the damaged disc and places a support material (such as metal plates or endoprostheses) on the edges of the bones at each end of the spine. The incision is then closed with tissue and skin. Fedorov's operation allows you to support the spine and relieve pain for up to several years.

Advantages of Fedorov lumbar incision