Papilla (Papilla, Pl. Papillae)

Papilla (Papilla, Pl. Papillae): structure and functions

A papilla is a small protrusion on the surface of the body that can have different shapes and perform different functions. Papillae can be found in different parts of the body of animals and humans. In this article we will look at the most famous types of papillae and their functions.

Tongue papillae

On the surface of the tongue there are several different types of papillae, the epithelium of which contains taste buds. There are three types of tongue papillae, each containing different types of taste buds:

  1. Fungiform papillae are shaped like a fungus and are found at the front of the tongue. They contain one taste bud each.

  2. Foliate (leaf-shaped) papillae are located on the lateral surfaces of the tongue and contain many taste buds.

  3. Circumvallate papillae are located on the back of the tongue in the shape of a ring. They contain about 100 taste buds each.

Each taste bud in the papilla contains several dozen receptor cells that respond to different tastes, such as sweet, sour, bitter and salty.

Skin papillae

Papillae can also be found on the skin. For example, the papillae on our fingertips help us sense the textures and shapes of objects. In addition, women also have papillae on the skin of their breasts and nipples, which play an important role in feeding babies.

Optic nipple

The optic papilla is an alternative name for the optic disc. This is where nerve fibers from the retina converge to form the nerve vault, which transmits information from the eye to the brain.


Papillae are small structures that perform various functions in our body. They play a key role in our perception of the world, helping us perceive tastes, textures and shapes of objects, and transmitting important information from the eye to the brain.

Papillae (Papillae) are small protrusions on the surface of tissues and organs that can have different shapes and sizes. They may look like papillae on the chest or abdomen in humans, but are also found in other places such as the tongue, lips, nose, larynx, etc.

Papillae are important for the functioning of organs and tissues. For example, on the tongue they are the location of taste buds that allow a person to taste food. In the larynx, they help the vocal cords vibrate when pronouncing sounds.

Also, papillae can be associated with diseases. For example, if the papillae in the larynx become too large or inflamed, it can cause voice problems. And if the papillae on the tongue become red or swollen, this may indicate an infection in the mouth.

Overall, the papillae play an important role in the functioning of our body and can be associated with various diseases. Therefore, it is important to monitor their condition and consult a doctor if any symptoms appear.

Papillae (papilla, plural papillae).

Papillae are small projections on the surface of the body that resemble nipples in shape. They can come in different sizes and shapes, but usually have a pointed tip. Papillae are found in many parts of the body, especially in the digestive system. Some of them are on the tongue, where taste buds are located, others are on the lips, palate, larynx and other places.

The papilla on the tip of the tongue (frenulum linguae) is a small lump of connective tissue that connects the tip of the tongue to other parts of the body. It plays an important role in speech and