Papilloma Fibroepithelial

Papilloma fibroepithelialis is a benign tumor of muscle fibers, fibrous tissue and mucous membrane that grows around the ducts of the mammary glands, the penis in men or the vagina in women and can lead to dysfunction of these organs. Papillomas can form either accidentally or due to the presence of the human papillomavirus (HPV). The presence of HPV is one of the main causes of papillomas, especially in women. In this article we will look at what fibroepithelial papilloma is, how it manifests itself and how to treat it.

Fibroepalial papilloma

Description and symptoms

Papilomas are small growths on the skin or mucous membrane. They can be single or multiple, have different sizes and shapes, and their color usually does not differ from the color of the skin or mucous membranes.

The main causes of fibroepithelial papilla include exposure to various viral agents in the body, including HPV. Symptoms of a papillary fibroepithelial tumor appear only when it grows and damages the normal tissues surrounding it. Symptoms are more common in people over 40 years of age; formation first appears during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and subsequent labor. Symptoms also occur with injuries, inflammatory and infectious diseases. The tumor is often spherical in shape.

Treatment of papilloma fibroepitelia

Primary treatment of the disease: surgical removal of papillomas with subsequent observation by a specialist to exclude the growth of tumors Treatment without surgery: courses of drug treatment are effective, which can be prescribed to patients to improve the condition and reduce the severity of symptoms Therapy of concomitant diseases