Kocheva Osteotomy

A lumbar osteotomy is a surgical procedure used to treat a variety of bone conditions. It involves performing surgery on a bone to change its shape or size.

The Konev osteotomy was developed by the Soviet surgeon Konev in the 1930s. He proposed the use of osteotomy to treat bone fractures as well as to correct bone deformities.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia and includes several stages. First, the surgeon makes an incision in the skin and soft tissue to gain access to the bone. He then performs an osteotomy, a cut in the bone to change its shape. After this, the surgeon fixes the bone in its new position using special implants or sutures.

One of the advantages of equine osteotomy is that it can correct bone deformities without having to remove all of the bone. This is especially important when treating children whose bones are not yet fully formed.

However, like any surgical operation, equine osteotomy has its risks and complications. For example, infection, bleeding, or nerve damage may occur after surgery. In addition, the surgery can be complex and lengthy, increasing the risk of complications.

In general, equine osteotomy is an effective method for treating various bone diseases, but requires a highly qualified surgeon and careful preparation of the patient.

Title: Osteotomy operations in traumatology and orthopedics.

Kochev osteotomy was named after the Soviet surgeon Karamchak Kochev. Karamchak Dmitrievich Kochev (1894-1964) - Honored Scientist, in the 30-50s of the last century he was one of the main developers of the domestic trauma-orthopedic school. In his clinical practice, he used the latest surgical methods, such as acute limb metaphysis, osteomyeloradicomyelolysis, as well as osteotomy operations that he himself developed.

The osteotomy method, or otherwise the osteotomy operation, is one of the methods of surgical treatment for certain skeletal pathologies, an example of which may be congenital deformity or acquired joint formation. Such conditions bring a certain discomfort and limitations to a person, therefore, to eliminate it, surgical intervention with one or another type of deformity should be taken. Removing part of the bone means completely separating or shortening the bone.