Fournier Tretichana Roseola

Fournier tertiary roseola is a skin condition that appears as a pink patch on the face, neck, arms or legs. This virus is transmitted through airborne droplets and can lead to serious complications such as conjunctivitis, runny nose and bronchitis.

Symptoms of Fournier tertiary roseola may begin suddenly, with severe itching, redness and burning of the skin. Then a bubble of liquid appears at the site of redness. The bubble may burst and burst, forming an ulcer. These sores can then appear on other areas of the skin, leading to widespread rashes.

Treatment for Fournier tertiary roseola is the use of antibacterial drugs and regular skin care. If symptoms do not improve or are accompanied by complications, hospitalization may be required.

It is important to note that Fournier third roseola can be contagious and dangerous to others. Therefore, at the first symptoms, you must consult a doctor and follow hygiene rules to prevent the spread of the virus.