Papilloma on the lip of a child: causes and treatment

What do papillomas look like on a child’s lips?

The content of the article:
  1. What do papillomas look like on a child’s lip?
  2. The main reasons for the appearance
  3. Features of treatment
    1. Drug therapy
    2. Removal of papillomas on a child’s lip
    3. ethnoscience

A papilloma on a child’s lip is a benign growth (one or a group) that has a flesh-colored or pinkish-brown tint. In most cases, such neoplasms are practically harmless and do not pose a cancer threat to children. But sometimes it makes sense to remove the growth to avoid injury.

What do papillomas on a child’s lip look like?

Papillomas on the lips in children

The photo shows papillomas on the lips of children

Both adults and children can become infected with HPV. Therefore, papillomas often appear on the child’s body, including on the lips. These neoplasms can manifest themselves in different ways. In some cases, they appear as flat and almost invisible growths. In others, like broccoli florets. These growths are localized both on the outside of the lip and on the inside.

In most cases, papillomas on a child’s lips do not reach sizes larger than 1 cm in diameter. The body of the neoplasm is slightly compacted and mobile. Often the growth is attached to the skin by means of a thin stalk.

Initially, a viral growth on a child’s lip may look like an area of ​​rough epidermis that has become lighter due to keratinization. The main condition for a benign tumor is its painlessness and the absence of inflammation and tumors.

The following types of papillomas may appear on a child’s lips:

  1. Flat. They look like a small elevation above the rest of the surface of the skin-colored epidermis. Read about flat papillomas on the body - the causes and methods of their treatment in adults.
  2. Filiform. Their appearance resembles thin papillae on a relatively long stalk. The end may be slightly enlarged. The color is almost the same as the skin or turns slightly pink.

Also a type of papillomatosis in children is epithelial hyperplasia. This disease manifests itself as the growth of thread-like papillomas on the mucous membrane of the lips (on the inside), as well as in the mouth and tongue. This disease is caused by special strains of the human papillomavirus - 13 and 32. The growths are painless, but can provoke severe psychological and physical discomfort, interfering with conversation and eating.

The main causes of papillomas on the lips in children

HPV in a child

The main cause of papillomas on a child’s lips is HPV. Infection with papillomavirus does not always manifest itself in the form of growths on the lips. This is, as a rule, an unpredictable process: for a long time, HPV can remain latent in the child’s blood and become active only under favorable conditions for the pathogen.

The latter should be understood as a weakened immune system, long-term use of antibiotics, hypothermia, nervous strain, fatigue, gastrointestinal disturbances and other factors.

Often papillomas on a child’s lip appear when he reaches adolescence. During this period, many chronic ailments worsen and due to hormonal changes such neoplasms may appear.

In the case of children, the pathogen is transmitted through contact and household contact - in places with large crowds of people (swimming pools, gyms, schools, kindergartens), as well as through failure to comply with personal hygiene rules (using someone else's dishes, hygiene supplies). Less commonly, the virus is transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy or childbirth.

After infection with HPV, quite a long time must pass before papillomas appear on the child’s lips. Usually - from several months to several years. As a rule, the first symptoms of the disease appear six months after infection.

In general, the speed of manifestation of the disease depends on the general immune response of the child’s body - the stronger it is, the less likely it is that growths will appear on the body.

It is worth remembering that it is impossible to completely protect a child from HPV. Today in the world, according to various sources, this pathogen is present in the blood of 90% of the population. Therefore, the risk of infection is very high.

  1. Read the contraindications for using Collomac

Features of treatment of papillomas on the lip of a child

Many pediatricians are of the opinion that isolated neoplasms in children, if they do not cause inconvenience, do not need to be treated. It is important to strengthen the immune system, and the body will be able to cope with the manifestation of HPV on its own. However, if the papilloma is located in a place where it can be injured, and also if there are many growths, the doctor may decide to prescribe special treatment.

Drug therapy for papillomas on the lips in children

Drug treatment of papillomas on the lips in children

The photo shows medications for the treatment of papillomas on the lips in children

In most cases, when single papillomas are detected on the lip in a child 4 years of age or older, doctors prescribe exclusively drug treatment. At an early age, it is not recommended to influence the tumor using various destructive methods. In addition, during the growth of a child, hormonal fluctuations often occur, which can also lead to self-healing.

However, it is possible to help the baby’s body cope with the pathological neoplasm. For this purpose, various immunostimulating drugs and vitamin and dietary supplements are prescribed to enhance immunity. Let's look at them in more detail:

  1. Immunomodulators. These are drugs that stimulate the human immune system. As a rule, they have a gentle effect on the child’s body and help suppress the activity of the virus. You can take such drugs orally, rectally, or inject them locally into the lesions. Children are most often prescribed Viferon as the safest interferon drug. Also, a child with papillomas on the lip can take analogues of Viferon - Amiksin, Likopid.
  2. Antiviral. These medications are used to reduce the viral load in children. Such drugs are usually prescribed after special diagnostics, which reveal high viral activity. Children can be prescribed the following drugs: Cycloferon, Panavir, Isoprinosine, as well as their analogues - Allokin Alpha and Kagocel.
  3. Vitamins. Modern pharmaceuticals offer special multivitamin complexes for children, which contain all the necessary vitamins and microelements for the normal functioning of all body systems. Also, these drugs help increase the body’s protective functions and cope with the virus and its manifestations - papillomas on the lips of a child. Children are recommended to take a course of the following vitamins: Pikovit, Multi Tabs, Supradin Kids, as well as analogs - Alphabet, Vitrum Kids, Discovery Excellent.

Read the instructions for using Kerasal for papillomas.

Removal of papillomas on a child’s lip

Laser for removing papillomas on the lips of a child

Surgical and various destructive effects on papillomas at an early age up to 3 years are recommended only in extreme cases.

Many doctors are especially negative about such operations on infants. At an early age, the child’s nervous system is actively developing, and to carry out such manipulations under anesthesia is to take an unjustified risk. Without anesthesia, the baby will not be able to tolerate the removal of papilloma.

The exception is severe forms of papillomatosis, when neoplasms actively grow, increase in size, and also when symptoms of malignancy appear. In such cases, doctors decide to urgently remove papillomas on the child’s lips. In addition, removal of growths is indicated if they make it difficult to eat, distort speech, or there is a risk of injury.

You can remove a tumor in various ways:

  1. Laser. This method makes it possible to remove any growths, regardless of their location, size and depth of skin lesions. After such a procedure, marks may sometimes remain. The price of laser removal of papillomas is 1100-2200 rubles in Russia and 300-650 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  2. Electric shock. This method is called electrocoagulation. High frequency current is used, under the influence of which tissues are heated and destroyed. This procedure may cause bleeding. The cost of removing papillomas on a child’s lip with electric current is 1000-2200 rubles in Russia and 300-600 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  3. Radio knife. This method is the most painless and safe. It is often recommended for use in the treatment of papillomas in children as it is as gentle as possible. A radioknife can be used only if the size of the growth is no more than 3 cm. The price of radiosurgical removal of papilloma is 1700-2600 rubles in Russia and 500-800 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  4. Liquid nitrogen. This method is called cryodestruction. In this case, the neoplasm is exposed to liquid nitrogen, which causes freezing and subsequent death of the tissue. The cost of cryodestruction of papillomas on a child’s lip is 700-1700 rubles in Russia and 270-400 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  5. Scalpel. This is a classic and rather traumatic method of removing growths. Requires local anesthesia and may cause bleeding and prolonged healing. The price of surgical removal of tumors is 600-1300 rubles in Russia and 180-400 hryvnia in Ukraine.

In more rare cases, special ones are used to remove papillomas on a child’s lip. products based on organic acids. This is, for example, Solcoderm or its analog Duofilm. Acetic or trichloroacetic acid may also be used.

Note! It is not recommended to use these aggressive substances on visible areas of a child’s face without a doctor’s prescription.

Traditional medicine against papillomas on the lips of children

Egg white for papillomas on the lips in children

It is strictly not recommended to independently treat papillomas on a child’s lips using folk remedies without consulting a doctor. Firstly, these drugs may be ineffective. Secondly, some products are quite aggressive and can leave behind burns and extensive skin lesions.

The following folk recipes for papillomas will be the most gentle for a child:

  1. Garlic juice. Has a pronounced antiviral effect. You can lubricate the affected areas with freshly squeezed juice, and also eat fresh garlic if papillomas appear on the inside of the lips.
  2. Egg white. Nourishes the affected areas, strengthens local immunity. Can be used in the initial stages of the disease. Protein should be applied to the affected areas.
  3. Castor oil. Has antiviral and immunostimulating effects. It is necessary to lubricate the papillomas on the child’s lips several times a day with oil until they disappear completely. Read contraindications for using castor oil.
  4. Sour berry juice. This simple and non-toxic treatment method is optimal for children, especially in the initial stages of papillomatosis. You can make an incision on cherries, currants and other sour berries and lubricate the papilloma with juice.
To minimize the risk of relapse, you should carefully monitor your child's diet. To strengthen the immune system, you need to add as many vegetables, fruits, cereals, meat and dairy products to the menu as possible.

Watch a video about papillomas in a child:

Photos of papillomas on a child’s lip can be found on the Internet and you can determine by a number of symptoms what you are dealing with. These viral neoplasms are not uncommon in children, who can become infected with HPV in children's groups or in the family from other relatives. Often growths appear on the face, including on the lips. However, only a doctor should decide on specific treatment.

  1. Related article: celandine juice for papillomas