
Falling is a disease that prevents the mental organs from performing the actions of sensation and movement and does not allow standing upright, but does not completely prevent this. Falling occurs due to blockage and most often from a general spasm caused by damage to the anterior ventricle of the brain. With such damage, an incomplete blockage is formed, which does not allow the sensory and driving force to completely penetrate the brain and other organs, but does not interrupt this completely; it also does not allow standing, so that the person cannot maintain a standing position. Every spasm, as we will explain later, arises either from overflow, or from dryness, or from compression caused by some irritation. Epilepsy is the same, but it does not arise from dryness, for epilepsy begins suddenly, and dry spasm does not occur suddenly; Moreover, when the brain is dry, it does not come to the point of the appearance of strong spasms in it without a previous fatal disease of the body.

Thus, the cause of epilepsy remains either the compression of the brain in order to push out something irritating, and this can be either steam, or a burning quality, or a liquid with a bad substance, or a juice that forms an incomplete blockage in the ventricles of the brain or in the roots of the nerves at the place of their exit; sometimes blockage occurs from the juice due to wave-like movement occurring in the juice or boiling due to excessive heat. In the event that a blockage is formed, the sensing and driving forces cannot penetrate into the organs naturally, but sometimes the blockage is not complete and some of them still pass into the organs, so that the latter are not completely deprived of the sensing and driving forces. Or the cause of epilepsy is a thick wind that lingers in the passages of the pneuma, as the first philosopher Aristotle thinks, who considers this one of the causes of epilepsy. If there is an obstructing juice present, then the brain also contracts in order to push out the irritating principle, just as compression of the stomach causes hiccups and nausea, or as happens with twitching, for contraction and compression are the main means of helping the organs push out what they have to expel . When the brain contracts, its movements change, and this is followed by compression of the nerves of the face and other organs and their movements change.

As for the return of consciousness, it occurs either as a result of the expulsion of juice, or as a result of the dispersal of the winds, or after the removal of an irritating principle from the brain. The spasm that descends into the organs during epilepsy is due to the fact that the matter covering the brain or the irritation that affects it also affects the nerves, and their condition becomes the same as the condition of the brain. This is due to three reasons: the nerves belonging to the substance of the brain, their irritation by everything that irritates the brain, and the overflow of juice directed to the nerves from the places where they begin; therefore their width increases and their length decreases.

Epilepsy occurs as a spasm, and not as a relaxation, and causes the brain to contract and contract, rather than relax or expand, because the brain tends to push something away from itself, and repulsion is carried out by contraction and compression. With any spasm depending on matter, fever helps; epilepsy is a spasm arising from matter, so fever helps with it. If tumors appear during epilepsy, they sometimes resolve the disease, and the matter causing epilepsy decreases. Often melancholy turns into epilepsy; epilepsy also often turns into melancholy. Some people believe that epilepsy sometimes does not arise from matter. If this means that the cause of epilepsy is a vapor or quality that irritates the brain and causes the said contraction in it, then their words have meaning, but if they want to say that the cause of epilepsy is simple nature in itself, which, being in the brain , causes epilepsy, then this has no basis. After all, then this quality of nature, since it is inherent in the brain, should constantly cause epilepsy, and it would not pass so suddenly. On the contrary, the cause of epilepsy is one of those that arise immediately and just as suddenly disappear or, having finally mastered it, kills, and this kind of cause may not be a quality arising in the brain itself, but only matter or quality; which goes into the brain, but then it stops; it must necessarily come from some other organ. Foam during epilepsy appears due to restless breathing, and not from suffocation; this anxiety is anxiety from spasm. And with sakta, foam is formed due to suffocation and the patient’s reluctance to breathe.

An epileptic fit is like a spasm that primarily affects the brain, and a spasm is an epileptic seizure that primarily affects some other organ. Also, the movement during a sneeze is like the movement during a weak and mild epileptic seizure, and an epileptic seizure is like a strong, huge sneeze. But when sneezing, the expulsion of juices is directed most forward due to the significant strength and weakness of the matter, and when epileptic, it is directed in any direction, where it is more capable and easier to push away. From what has been said, it should be concluded that since epilepsy occurs in the brain itself, its cause must necessarily be matter that forms winds locked in the passages of the sensory and driving force, or partially fills both anterior ventricles of the brain. Such matter can be either predominant and abundant blood, or mucus, or black bile, or yellow bile, but the latter is very rare, and behind yellow bile in degree of rarity is pure blood. As for the blood, the nature of which tends to the nature of black bile or mucus, it is more often the cause of epilepsy, but still the most common cause is pure moisture or moisture somewhat inclined to black bile, since epilepsy arises mainly from mucus. Hippocrates says: In most sheep that have died from epilepsy, if you open up their brains, you will find a foul, foul-smelling fluid there. Any cause of cerebral epilepsy stems from a weakness in the brain's absorption of nutrients. This weakness is rooted either in the medulla, which is worse, or in its membranes, which is easier.

Although mucous epilepsy is the most common, the black-billed variety is the most severe, because black-billed epilepsy clogs the passages of the pneuma more strongly; A very deadly type of epilepsy, known by some doctors as Umm Assibian. If epilepsy attacks occur continuously, it kills.

As for epilepsy, the cause of which lies in some other organ, then from this organ vapors and winds rise to the brain, causing suffering in their quantity; rising, they collect in the brain and then condense into matter of a certain density, which exerts an effect by its composition or by the fact that it forms the winds. Either vapors or winds rise into the brain, causing suffering not in quantity, but in quality, either freezing, or burning, or acting with their poisonous and malignant substance, or only pure quality rises to the brain, or a principle rises to it, causing suffering in two ways. way . With regard to the organ from which vapors rise to the brain, causing epilepsy with their abundance, it should be said that this can be either the whole body, or the stomach, or the spleen, or the walls of the abdomen. This also happens in other organs. The vapor, which causes suffering due to its bad substance and quality, also resides throughout the body, even in the toes or fingers. The reason for this is the retention of blood or other juice in the passage where the blockage has formed; as a result, access to innate warmth ceases, and the juice there dies, rots and acquires a bad quality; then from it periodically rises vaporous matter or some poisonous quality. Or poisons that affect the nerves enter these organs - this is how, for example, a scorpion sting affects the nerves - and then the poison through the nerves rushes into the brain and irritates it, and the brain contracts and contracts and its movements become restless. This is similar to how the stomach is affected by hiccups when eating something hot on an empty stomach, if the mouth of the stomach is very sensitive; After all, hiccups are one of the types of spasms. When a spasm and compression occurs in the brain from this type of reason, this is followed by a contraction and spasm of all the nerves.

Galen tells himself that he got hiccups when he took falafili and washed it down with wine, since the mouth of his stomach suffered from its sharpness. We observed a similar phenomenon in another person. Galen and others say, and we also observed this after him, that a person suffering from epilepsy often feels a kind of cold wind rising from his big toe, which goes to the brain, and when it reaches the heart and brain, an attack begins. Speaks

Galen: And when such a patient’s legs were tightly tightened before an attack, this prevented the attack or alleviated it. We have also observed amazing cases of this kind. Some doctors burned the patient’s big toe, while others burned the other toe, from which steam rose to the brain. and he recovered. This also includes epilepsy, which occurs due to worms or pumpkin seeds. There is a type of epilepsy, which is combined with fainting; some doctors almost exclude it from the category of epilepsy, whereas it belongs to it and is one of its varieties.

The disease called strangulation of the uterus belongs to the same category. It consists in the fact that a woman’s menstruation is untimely delayed and accumulates in the uterus, or the female seed is retained there due to the cessation of copulation; then all this turns into a substance with a poisonous quality in the uterus, which moves and forms vapors either periodically or non-periodically; it happens that these vapors rise to the heart and to the brain, and the woman experiences epilepsy. Sometimes the same thing can happen in a man, if a lot of semen collects, accumulates and solidifies in the seminal vessels, and it then acquires a poisonous quality. Epidemic can also occur in a pregnant woman, but after childbirth and menstruation from the bad matter, it goes away. We were told about epilepsy that began from the back of the head, as well as other cases when epilepsy began from behind the shoulder or other places.

As for epilepsy, which occurs due to the stomach or abdominal walls or due to indigestion, it forms blockages in the vessels, as a result of which the vessels do not accept praiseworthy food and the juice in them spoils, or praiseworthy food remains locked in them due to blockages and spoils there.

Often it returns to the stomach in a spoiled form and spoils the good food in it with praiseworthy chyme. For this reason, vomiting due to undigested food often occurs. In all circumstances, whether epilepsy arises from the complicity of another organ or not, its nearest source is the brain or its anterior ventricle together with the other ventricles. After all, the first more or less significant damage is detected with epilepsy in the sense of vision or smell, as well as in the movements of the muscles of the face and eyelids, although other senses and organs of movement are also involved in this damage. If all the ventricles were not involved in the damage, then consciousness would not be lost and breathing would not be disrupted. In most cases, epileptic seizures are preceded by a spasm and after it an epileptic seizure begins. This is explained by the fact that if the spasm becomes stronger, an epileptic attack occurs, and if the irritating principle is expelled or the winds dissipate, then the effects of sensation and movement are restored; expelled; the juice is sometimes clearly visible in the nostrils and throat. Often, epilepsy occurs without a noticeable spasm. This happens because the matter that excites it turns out to be liquid and acts due to overflow, and not due to great malignancy.

Falling sickness in children often occurs from spoilage of their fluids. It often appears in them immediately after birth, sometimes it occurs in adolescence. If they are treated correctly, the disease goes away, if not, it remains. We must try to eradicate the disease before the children grow up. The child who is farthest from epilepsy is one who has ulcers and tumors in the head area and a runny nose. From its very creation, the brain contains moisture, from which it must be cleansed. Sometimes it is excreted in the uterus, and sometimes after birth. If this moisture is not removed, then epilepsy cannot be avoided. In most cases, epilepsy in children is easily cured; with the onset of maturity it disappears, unless it is promoted by a bad regime and neglect of treatment. Epilepsy sometimes affects young people. If it begins after twenty-five years from some defect in the brain, especially in its substance, then it becomes constant and persistent. The extreme limit in the treatment of such patients is to alleviate and delay the attack. Hippocrates says that such people suffer from epilepsy until death. As for the elderly, they are rarely affected by epilepsy from blockages.

Sometimes the causes of epilepsy are facilitated by external causes. So, for example, excess in food and drink, indigestion, prolonged exposure to the sun attracts matter to the brain, for all this prevents the spread of juices to other parts of the body, and they move upward. Frequent copulation is one of the causes of epilepsy. Such reasons also include pampering, immobility, and insufficient exercise. It can also be caused by physical exercise on a full stomach, because the juices move from them, but do not dissolve completely and fill the cavities. The causes of epilepsy also include influences that weaken the heart, such as fear, a sudden collapse of a house, or an unexpected loud cry. This also includes fasting for a person with a weak stomach, as well as drinking pure wine, because it irritates the stomach. All these are distant causes that determine proximate causes; We will devote a special paragraph to these reasons.

They say that if someone suffering from epilepsy just puts on; remove the skin of a goat and drink water directly with his lips, he will have a seizure; the same will happen if you fumigate it with goat’s horn, myrrh and thyme.

Epidemic illness is often resolved by the fevers that the patient suffers from, especially if the fevers are prolonged. In particular, this is how four-day fever works; it lasts for a very long time and brings the black gall matter to maturity, which even dissolves. Severe chills are just as beneficial, because the trembling removes the excess that has stuck to the brain, and the sweat that follows the chill removes them. Just as sickness is resolved by paralysis, many types of epilepsy are also resolved by paralysis. Some believe that epilepsy is accompanied by shaking and trembling, since the mucus, due to its density, cannot completely block the passages. But with black gall epilepsy, complete blockage occurs, and the trembling from it is insignificant. Some people think that if epilepsy is accompanied by severe trembling, its cause is most likely the juice being smaller in quantity or less penetrating into the passages, and thereby asserting the opposite of what was said above. However, there is nothing immutable in either of these statements.

Rufus says that if a person suffering from epilepsy has a baras in the head area, this indicates the resorption of the epilepsy matter and a speedy recovery. Epilepsy often resolves with paralysis and melancholy.

Predisposition to epilepsy. Epilepsy occurs in people with a damp nature, either due to age, such as children and infants, or due to the regime, such as those suffering from indigestion, as well as those who live in countries with southern winds, for all this fills the head moisture. Women, children and all those who have little blood and narrow vessels are more easily susceptible to epilepsy.

Signs of epilepsy varieties. We say that the signs common to most epileptics are the yellowness of the tongue and the green color of the vessels located under the tongue. Poduchaniye are often preceded by a change in the nature of the body and a heaviness in the head, especially if a person is angry or when his stomach is swollen. It is also preceded by weakening of tongue movements, bad dreams, memory loss, fears, fright, timidity, respiratory distress, chest tightness, anger, and short temper.

Not every type of epilepsy can be treated. Particular suffering is caused by the type that is preceded by severe anxiety and excitement. This is followed by prolonged complete immobility, increased breathing and respiratory distress. All this indicates an abundance of matter and weakness of forces. If you want to know whether the disease is in the brain or in other organs, then see if there is constant heaviness in the head, dizziness, darkening of the eyes, stiffness of the tongue, dullness of sensations, restlessness in movements and yellowness of the face. If you find all these signs along with clouding of consciousness and constant loss of memory or dullness and dementia, and if it does not decrease with an empty stomach and when softening the nature with the help of emptying agents, then draw the conclusion that the disease is in the brain alone. Further, if there is no damage in the nervous organs, in the spleen, in the liver, in the limbs and joints, and also if the patient does not feel as if something is rising to his head from some other place, this confirms that the damage is place in the brain.

The signs of mild epilepsy are as follows: its manifestation is more favorable, consciousness quickly returns to the patient and, having come to his senses, he is embarrassed; he can be quickly brought to consciousness with the help of sneezing inducers and snuffs, as well as vomiting drugs that are injected into the throat - no matter whether the patient vomits or not. And the signs of severe epilepsy are difficulty breathing, prolonged restlessness and then a prolonged state of immobility, as well as the fact that the patient rarely recovers from snuff and sneezing medications. Epidemiology is less severe if the anxiety lasts for a long time and the state of immobility is short, or if the state of immobility lasts for a long time and the anxiety is minor. A sign of epilepsy, caused by thick winds originating in the brain, is that during the attack and as it approaches there is no feeling of heaviness in the head, but there is noise in the ears and tension throughout the body, although there are no strong spasms. Signs of epilepsy arising from mucus are as follows: the patient’s saliva is thick, foamy, abundant, urine contains something similar to molten glass, and timidity, timidity, lethargy, heaviness in the head and memory loss increase. Sometimes such epilepsy is recognized by vomiting, by the color of the foam on the lips and the color of the blood, and sometimes this is indicated by the age of the patient, the country where he lives, his food and the previous regime. An indication of this is also a motionless and calm life, the color of the Face and eyes and other signs that you learned from the basic rules.

If the mucus is also still damp and cold, then loss of memory, dullness, heaviness in the head and throughout the body and drowsiness are more pronounced, and an epileptic attack causes great relaxation and weakness. This type of epilepsy is very malignant. And if epilepsy comes from salty mucus, then there is less drowsiness, the coldness of the brain is not so significant and movements are calmer.

As for the sign of epilepsy caused by black bile, this sign is vomiting black bile, which sometimes looks like black blood, and sometimes turns out to be pungent, burnt or sour and boils on the ground. The patient's disposition shows a tendency toward clouding of reason and a state similar to melancholy; his mind does not clear up even when he wakes up. Black bile as a cause of epilepsy is also indicated by the color of the face and eyes, dryness of the nostrils and tongue, and the patient’s regimen that gave rise to black bile. If black bile is a precipitate of natural blood, then epilepsy is accompanied by relaxation, silence and immobility, the patient’s thoughts are calm and peaceful. And if black bile is a kind of burnt yellow bile, in which case it is pungent, then clouding of reason is accompanied by violence, talkativeness and screaming. An epileptic attack causes the body to tremble and passes easily. Sometimes it is accompanied by fever, especially if the black bile is liquid. When epilepsy occurs from black bile of blood origin, then laughter is added to its other manifestations. You can determine the substance of black bile by vomiting: if the vomit looks like blood sediment, then it is natural black bile; if they look like the thick stuff of nabiz, then this is burnt black bile; if they are coarse, tart and make the throat sore, then this indicates excessive cold and dry nature; and if they are sour, liquid, then they boil with foam on the ground; they can also be thick and without foam.

As for the signs of epilepsy that comes from the blood, we say: if the blood causes epilepsy by its boiling and movement, and not by quantity, then it does not have a great effect on the complexion and on the jugular veins, and before the attacks a condition similar to suffocation, but the patient feels heaviness in the head, dullness, and relaxation. He produces a lot of saliva and snot, as usually happens when there is an abundance of mucus, but all this is accompanied by fever, redness of the eyes and the rise of vapors coming from the blood into the head. If the blood acts in its quantity, then a sign of this is the swelling of the jugular veins and the fact that the attack is preceded by a state similar to suffocation.

With epileptic seizures, the cause of which is yellow bile matter - and this happens rarely - the suffering and heartache are stronger, the spasms are smaller and the duration of the seizure is shorter, but the patient’s movements are more abrupt. Another sign of this is vomiting, burning, severe confusion of mind, yellow color of the face and eyes.

As for epilepsy, the cause of which comes from the stomach, its sign is twitching at the mouth of the stomach, especially if the patient is late to feed, as well as shuddering, trembling, shaking and screams, especially at the beginning of the attack, when the patient has just seized. In this case, excretion of feces, urine, eruption of semen occurs, heart failure, severe headache are observed, as well as relief or cessation of the attack if the patient is vomited. There are also signs indicating a poor stomach condition; the attacks increase or decrease depending on the contamination or cleanliness of the stomach. Sometimes such epilepsy kills with frequent seizures. This also includes epilepsy, in which the juice present in the stomach has an effect that causes vapors to multiply in it. Most often this juice is slimy, but sometimes other juices are mixed with it. A sign of this is the occurrence of an attack when the stomach is full and indigestive, and it weakens when the stomach is empty and when the nature is greatly softened by food. The attack usually follows indigestion. If bile matter is mixed with the juice in the stomach, then thirst, burning, burning and burning are felt, and if black bile is mixed, then in most cases the appetite increases and a sour taste is felt in the mouth; from this bad thoughts and obsessions are born. However, signs of mucus still predominate.

Epidemic illness belongs to the same category, in which the juice present in the stomach acts not in abundance, but in poor quality. A sign of this is the onset of an attack at a time when the stomach is empty and the matter finds the mouth of the stomach free, and the attack stops after taking suitable and praiseworthy food. If the juice is spicy and belongs to the category of yellow bile, then this is recognized by the signs we have already mentioned. When the cause of epilepsy comes from the walls of the abdomen, its signs are sour belching, bloating and rumbling, causing slowly calming pain and burning in the walls of the abdomen. Moreover, after eating a small amount of food, pain sometimes rises between the shoulder blades, which calms down only during the digestion of food, and after a new meal it resumes again. If an attack occurs when the stomach is empty, it occurs when the stomach is hard and disappears when it softens, especially if the patient feels upward tension and trembling in the walls of the abdomen. Such people vomit undigested food, because food, as we explained, comes back from them due to its spoilage and blockage of the passages. This also applies to the case when the vapors emanating from the walls of the abdomen and causing epilepsy come from yellow bile. This is recognized by the beginning of the glow, by the complexion and by the clouding of reason, the tendency to irritability and pickiness. It happens that couples turn out to be of black gall origin. Then epilepsy is accompanied by a type of melancholy, timidity, respiratory distress and fear, caused by the darkness of the color of the material; sometimes there is a desire for death, hatred of it or fear of death, as well as other symptoms discussed in the paragraphs on melancholy.

As for epilepsy, the cause and source of which is the liver or the whole body, this is indicated by the color of the face and hair, dryness and desiccation of the skin, the fatness or thinness of the patient and the fact that his body is abundantly saturated with blood vapor. Signs are also the pulse, urine, previously taken food and the entire previous regimen and the retention of what is excreted from the anus and uterus, with perspiration and other ways. If the retained juice is of blood origin and slightly burnt, then you see that before the attack the face turns red, the pulse is agitated and the patient laughs. And if the juice is of yellow gall, mucous or black gall origin, then you will recognize it by the signs mentioned. Falling, which is caused by the uterus, occurs only when menstruation, or semen, or other fluids pouring into the uterus are retained. It is preceded by pain in the pubis, groin and back, as well as heaviness in the uterus. If the cause of epilepsy is the spleen, then this is recognized by the fact that the disease is clearly black gall, pain is felt in the region of the spleen, and the disease is accompanied by swelling or hardening of the spleen and rumbling on its side; in most cases the whole body is involved in the disease.

As for epilepsy, which arises from poisonous matter, which rises from certain organs through the nerves to the brain, its source may be outside, and the signs of this are obvious: this is how, for example, the bite of a scorpion, tarantula or hornet works, when the poison is due to such the bite hits the nerve. The source can also be inside, and then a rise of vapors from the organ into the head is felt, from which the vision darkens and the person falls; such an organ can be a leg, arm, back, pubis, or any internal organs, for example, the stomach or uterus. A sign of epilepsy caused by worms and pumpkin seeds is drooling and the release of worms and pumpkin seeds.

Causes of epilepsy. The reasons that excite epilepsy include moving to an area where the air contributes to epilepsy, just as the reasons that eliminate epilepsy include moving to an area where the air contributes to it. This also includes any excessive heat from the sun or fire, any cold and frequent copulation. Epilepsy is also excited by frequent rains and winds like the north. so does the south. The north wind and the climate of the northern countries contribute to epilepsy, since they lock up the juices and prevent their resorption, and the south wind and the climate of the southern countries - because they set the juices in motion, fill the brain with them, liquefy and excite them. Epilepsy often rises in winter, just as it rises from the north wind, and in autumn - due to spoilage of juices. It is less common in northern countries, but then it can be fatal, because if there were no powerful cause, it would not have arisen at all. Pleasant and unpleasant odors also sometimes excite epilepsy. A seizure can happen if you move a lot, look at fast-moving and spinning objects, look down from a high place, stay in the bathhouse for a long time, go to the bathhouse before food is digested, pour hot water on your head, take inside something that creates cloudy blood that forms steam or dark, such as cloudy wine. Old wine is also harmful in this regard, as is young wine, unstrained and unsettled, or pure wine, which is harmful to the brain.

Also harmful are: celery - due to its special properties, lentils, since they give rise to black bile blood, unless mixed with barley gruel, and fava beans - for the same reason. Further, garlic is harmful, filling the head with vapors, onions - for the same reason and due to the fact that its substance turns into bad moisture, milk, sweets, an abundance of fat in dishes, everything rough, swelling, astringent and cold, as well as everything spicy and caustic. Haida also excites the epilepsy, as it raises and sets in motion the juices; the same effect is indigestion, indigestion, insomnia, severe mental suffering, such as grief, anger, fear, as well as strong effects on the sense of hearing, for example, loud sounds - thunder, drumming, roaring of a lion; ringing sounds - ringing bells; or creaking sounds, such as teeth grinding; It is not good to look at bright light, such as blinding lightning and the rays of the sun, or to come into contact with strong movement, such as the movement of stormy winds. Epilepsy is also aroused by physical exercise on a full stomach, no matter whether this means the dissolution of juices or not, and by copulation in this state.

Medicines that cause epilepsy. In the headings of head diseases, we have already mentioned and noted medications that cause seizures in those suffering from epilepsy and convict the patient. Such, for example, is fumigation with galbanum, myrrh, goat's horn, eating goat liver and smelling its smell, as well as introducing myrrh into the patient's nose.

Treatment. As for epilepsy in children, it should be treated by improving the nurse's food and giving it gentle warmth with good chyme. The nurse must abstain from everything that produces watery, spoiled or thick blood; She is forbidden to have intercourse and conception. A sick child should be protected from anything that suddenly frightens and worries, for example, from loud sounds and noises such as the roar of a drum or thunder, the sound of a trumpet or bells, and the sound of cymbals. They should avoid insomnia, anger, fear, extreme cold, extreme heat and indigestion. Such children should be forced to do light exercise before meals and should not be allowed to move after meals. If the child tolerates a bowel movement with the help of liquid medications designed to remove mucus, then such a bowel movement is performed. It is also useful from time to time to induce vomiting of honey water in them, to give them sugar and honey julanjubin to drink, and to let them smell rue and other thinning substances; Sometimes, to cure it, it is enough to let children sniff the medicines we mentioned.

Further, the general rule for all epileptic sufferers is to eat commendable food that has the property of being well, but not excessively, moisturizing. They must guard against overcrowding and avoid indigestion, which is achieved by satisfying hunger without reaching complete satiety. Those who are not accustomed to eating once a day should divide the amount of food that does not satiate them into three parts and consume one third in the morning and two thirds in the evening after light physical exercise. They should not abuse wine, because wine fills the brain too much. If drinking wine is unavoidable, then let them drink a little old, strained and slightly tart wine. There is nothing more harmful to them than drinking after a bowel movement; sudden cooling is also harmful to them; they should protect their heads from excessive heat or excessive cold and should not stay in the bathhouse for long. Those suffering from epilepsy should avoid all coarse and very nutritious meat, all fish and even the meat of large quadrupeds and limit themselves to the meat of chickens, partridges, house and mountain sparrows, larks, doves, kids, young gazelles and rabbits. They say that wild boar meat is very beneficial for them; goat meat is also praised, because it has a drying and slightly moisturizing property. On the other hand, they are not allowed sweets, fatty foods, and the like.

People suffering from epilepsy should abstain from all fruits and vegetables, even from garden quinoa and mari, not to mention others, and especially from celery, for it has a special property of inducing epilepsy. And if eating vegetables can no longer be avoided, then let them eat smoker and chicory. They are allowed lettuce, but I don't particularly praise it. They are also allowed to use coriander, since it does not allow steam to reach the head, but I do not approve of this and do not advise using it in large quantities, except for blood and yellow gall epilepsy. As for beets boiled in water and then seasoned with olive oil, murri and similar seasonings, if you eat beets before meals to soften the nature, this is permissible. Rue is one of the vegetables that are useful for their smell. Putting dill and rue in the food of epileptic patients is beneficial.

One should also abstain from coarse fresh fruits, with the exception of some fruits with astringent properties, which are consumed in very small quantities after meals to strengthen the mouth of the stomach, flush food, soften the nature and suppress fumes. An epilepsy sufferer should also abstain from all heavy foods such as turnips, radishes, cabbage and carrots.

He must also abstain from everything spicy and steamy. Mustard is one of the substances that causes suffering to such patients, for it forms a vapor and directs and sends excess to the brain and attacks it. A person suffering from epilepsy should avoid intoxication, places where winds blow, and overcrowding; he must completely abstain from washing with water: hot because it causes relaxation, and cold because it condenses and numbs the sensory pneuma. If a person suffering from epilepsy experiences an overflow of food, it should be vomited out and then a light regimen should be followed. You should abstain from foods that cause hibernation, heaviness in the head, numbness and vapor production. As for wine, an overabundance of it is very harmful, but a small amount of it encourages the soul, strengthens the pneuma and makes it penetrating, and also relieves the consumption of large quantities of water. And drinking large quantities of water during epilepsy is most harmful. Sleeping for a long time during the day and sleeping for a long time in general is harmful for epileptic seizures, especially after excessive food overload. Excessive sleeplessness also weakens and dissipates the pneuma and, moreover, fills the brain with vapors.

The first rule of the regime for epileptics is abstinence from things that excite epileptics, which we have already mentioned. Rest and immobility are best for the patient, but if there is a need to do physical exercises after emptying and cleansing the body, which we will talk about below, then you should use exercises that do not lead to exhaustion, and not immediately after filling the stomach, and then let the patient rest . He should try to keep his head straight and, as far as possible, not tilt it or move it often, so as not to attract matter to it. The lower limbs should be moved more than the upper limbs. Ways to distract matter downwards include slowly rubbing the body from top to bottom, starting with the chest and surrounding areas. They wipe the body with rough rags until it turns red, then gradually go down to the feet. Each subsequent rubdown should be stronger than the previous one; At the same time, you need to keep your head straight. Then the patient is forced to walk. He should rest in the same place where he does the exercises, so that normal breathing returns to him and his anxiety calms down; You can leave this place only after rest. When all the matter has been pulled down, he is allowed to rub the head and comb it to warm it up and change its nature. Things that are useful for epilepsy include tin cans and burning it to warm the brain.

After cleansing the body, relaxing and resting for several days, it’s a good idea if the patient goes to the bathhouse and if they put cups under his ribs and warm his head using means that you already know. Sometimes during a seizure, a ball, preferably made of soft hair, is placed in the patient’s mouth between the teeth, so that his mouth remains open. You should start by emptying the matter, in accordance with its quality, and then begin to cleanse the head with the help of rinses that have the property of attracting matter. If the attacks occur periodically and become more frequent with an increase in the amount of juices, then it is necessary to do a bowel movement in the spring as a precaution and in order to remove the predominant juice, as we will soon say. When there are no obstacles to bloodletting, then the patient is bled, because bloodletting in the spring, especially from both legs, is beneficial provided that it does not lead to cooling of the brain, as we will also say later. If, when the time of an attack approaches, you can induce vomiting in the patient by inserting into his mouth a feather dipped in the oil of purple iris, so that he vomits the liquid, especially when the stomach is involved in the disease, then this is immediately beneficial, although often resorting to vomiting when cerebral epilepsy is harmful.

Among the remedies poured into the throat during an epileptic attack and at other times are ferula stinking gum and beaver stream in honey sikanjubin; Anti-epileptic remedies blown into the nose include the pulp of coloquinte and crazy cucumber, as well as its squeezed juice, ammonia, nigella and the like, pumpkin, white hellebore, pepper, ginger, myrrh, furbiyune, beaver stream and Greek lavender, which you can use yourself alone or in a mixture, as well as zift and kitran. Among the means for fumigation, peony is useful, and among the smelling agents - rue, which is used during an epileptic attack and after it during rest. One of Hunain's preferred remedies is tapsia. It is mixed with barley flour and wine vinegar, balls are prepared from this and they are constantly sniffed.

Among the drinks, sikanjubin from sea onions is useful, especially if you drink it daily, as well as wine from bitter wormwood and a decoction of hyssop with sitar or sikanjubin prepared from these two plants. Sea onion shikanjubin is also given to drink with hot water in winter and cold water in summer. A good ointment for such patients is said to be bone marrow from the shin of a camel with rose oil; it is lubricated on the temples, sutures of the skull, spine and chest. As for hanging a medicinal peony, this remedy was tested by the ancients, and it prevents epilepsy. Perhaps this applies more to fresh Rum peony. Among the medicines that need to be constantly given to someone suffering from epilepsy are agaric, tortuous gill, garlic clove, aristolochia round root and peony officinalis. They are taken every day with water.

It is considered appropriate to give patients Tiyadaritus to drink, which is given in the amount of jujube fruit twice a day - in the morning and in the evening before bedtime; Many sick people recovered from this remedy. And some people prefer to drink sea foam twice a day during epilepsy, as well as Dubrovnik polyum because of its special properties and thyme. Those suffering from epilepsy are helped by a medicine prepared from sea onions according to the following recipe: take the sea onion and put it in a clay vessel in which there was vinegar. The neck of the vessel is plugged with a stopper and tied with thick leather on top. Then the vessel is left to stand in the sun for forty days, the first of which begins twenty days before the rising of Sirius. In this case, the vessel is placed in the sun, facing south, and turned all the time so that the heat equally reaches all parts of the contents of the vessel. After forty days, the vessel is opened, and the sea onion turns out to be boiled and disintegrated. They squeeze it out, take the juice, mix it with honey and give it a spoonful to drink every day. And if time is pressing, then sea onions are boiled in water with vinegar and honey sikanjubin is prepared from it. Here is another good medicine for epilepsy: take three miscals of tortuous gills, three miscals of laurel drupes, two miscals of round aristolochia, two miscals of peony root - two miscals, beaver stream and sea onion cakes - each miscal, mix it all with honey, from which the foam has been skimmed and consumed daily with shikanjubin.

Activities useful for epileptic seizures include changing places. Truly, for those suffering from epilepsy, traveling to different countries until you find a place with suitable, rarefied and drying air is useful, for changing places is similar to the transition from childhood to adolescence. If people suffering from epilepsy experience contraction of a nerve and spasm of any member, it is straightened by rubbing it with oil and warm water, and also kneading it vigorously. When epilepsy is associated with the brain, it is better to empty it with the help of harbak and similar remedies, coloquintus pulp, scammonium gum, iyaraja or agaric decoction, causing relief after relief for a whole year.

If bloodletting is required, in the presence of any juice, then this should not be neglected and blood should be bled even simultaneously from both mullets. Then blood is drawn from a vessel located under the tongue. Sometimes, to distract matter from the brain, blood-sucking cups are placed on the back of the head for a week, if this is not prevented by the nature of the brain and its weakness. Often the bloodletting has to be repeated. When you have done this, the patient should be given a week to rest, then induce relaxation with the help of medicines to drink and strong enemas of centaury, coloquinth pulp, castor beans and the like, then again give rest and after that put the jars between the shoulder blades, on the head , on the occipital cavity and on the lower legs. Then patient J is again allowed to rest, after which relaxation is again induced. This is continued, alternating between rest and resumption of treatment, until the patient is cleared, and after that they use rinses, sneezing agents, and medicines that clear only the head, which you already know. It is also useful to introduce shalis, elecampane and marjoram infusion into the nose.

An attack must be met with a clean stomach. If you can induce vomiting in the patient before eating, especially with such means as salted fish and the like, then it will be good. After this, change the nature of the brain with the help of strengthening and warming medicinal dressings of mustard and similar substances that you know, and let the patient smell the rue. At the same time, one should not burden the patient with all warming and nature-altering means at once, but should do this gradually. If this causes any harm to the faculties of the brain, then give the patient a rest.

As for epilepsy caused by mucus, the best remedy for removing mucus is iyaraj from the pulp of coloquinta and iyaraj of Hermes. If you consume Iyaraj of Hermes every day, half a dirham in the morning and half a dirham in the evening, then it will be of great benefit. If, along with excess mucus, there is also general congestion, then it is useful to bleed as described above. Equally beneficial is emptying with turbite, agaric, Greek lavender and, especially, Iyaraja Rufus.

And with black gall epilepsy, they are emptied with such medicines as a decoction of dodder, harbak, lapis lazuli, Armenian stone, Greek lavender, polypodium and myrobalans; ointments include camel's foot brain with rose oil, which is used to lubricate the spine, temples and chest. For epilepsy, care should be taken to provide cooling and hydration, especially with enemas; if the bile is burnt, then this episodic bile is equivalent to black gall or stands in the middle between yellow gall and black gall.

Epidemic, called Umm al-Sibyan, apparently refers to yellow gall, as some doctors think. Therefore, when treating it, we prescribe baths, cold moisturizing medicines administered into the nose, milking the head and applying strong moisture. If the patient is still an infant, then we order the nurse to be given medicines that cool the nature of her milk, and order her to be placed in a cool basement. Apparently, the mentioned doctors believe that this disease is an epileptic disorder like subaura or mania, but this name is not used among medical researchers. When cramping and spasm occurs in any organ of a patient suffering from epilepsy, rubbing it with oil and warm water, as well as pressing and kneading, helps. If epilepsy comes from the stomach, then the most suitable medicines for emptying are coloquinta pulp and Greek lavender; they are consumed several times a year. After cleansing the stomach, care should be taken to strengthen it. Only quickly digestible food with good chyme should be introduced into it and given as we indicated in our place; You should try to ensure that the food is well digested. The stomach should be left empty for a long time. If any painful phenomena begin from hunger, then they should be eliminated using the remedies mentioned in the paragraph on headaches and elsewhere.

In case of epilepsy, caused by the rise of matter from any organ, it is necessary to pull the body above this organ before the attack; this sometimes prevents a seizure. The juice located in the organ is removed either with the help of known empties, if the force of emptying reaches the given organ, or by causing ulceration and suppuration during quiet times with ulcerating and putrefactive agents, or, finally, by burning the matter, for example, with tapsia ointment, furbiyun and other medications; You know these medicines from the sections of Book Two. Sometimes there is a need to bring matters to the use of Spanish flies, buttercup, falcon feces, anacardium and similar means; If you need to make an incision on an organ, then make it. As for epilepsy, which rises from the whole body, some doctors say: If it were not for the danger from bloodletting from the carotid artery, in which the blood can be stopped, but the brain cools down, the movement of the pneuma is interrupted and sakta sets in, then there would be a complete cure a patient with epilepsy due to the complicity of the whole body and the rise of vapors from it into the brain. We say that if such bloodletting is impossible, then by opening one of the arteries rising into the brain there is no such danger, and it is quite likely that puncturing it will be of great benefit.