Papillomas on the labia during pregnancy: symptoms and treatment

The content of the article:
  1. What are papillomas on the labia
  2. Reasons for appearance
  3. Diagnosis of papillomas during pregnancy
  4. Treatment of papillomas on the labia
    1. Acidic solutions
    2. Physical destruction
    3. Medicines
    4. Traditional methods

Papillomas on the labia during pregnancy are benign growths caused by the activity in the body of one of the most common viruses on Earth - HPV. The appearance of neoplasms on the labia resembles tubercles, papillae or broccoli inflorescences. Essentially this is the formation of the mucosa and epidermis.

What are papillomas on the labia during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, various changes occur in a woman’s body, and many ailments that have been in remission for a long time can make themselves felt. This also applies to papillomavirus, which can remain in the human body for years without any symptoms. Pregnancy may well be a factor for its activation.

Papillomas can appear in different places of the body during pregnancy. They are often localized on the genitals—labia majora, labia minora, and perineum.

The photo shows papillomas on the labia

As a rule, neoplasms are flesh-colored; on the mucous membrane they may be slightly darker. The shape is very diverse: round, flat, oval, in the form of a broccoli inflorescence or a cockscomb. Most often, papillomas are formed with a wide upper part, which is attached to the body through a narrow leathery stalk.

Note! The most common types of papillomas that appear on the labia of pregnant women are genital warts.

They are caused by certain strains of the virus. In most cases they are of low oncogenic risk. Their peculiarity is rapid growth: literally in a matter of hours, a large number of small growths can appear on the labia of a pregnant woman. Later, as a rule, they join together and form a new formation that resembles a “cockscomb” in appearance.

Usually papillomas during pregnancy are painless. But when they are concentrated in the labia area, noticeable discomfort may occur. This is due to constant friction of the underwear against the tumor, with subsequent injury to the growths. The mechanical effect of tissue on papillomas can lead to bleeding and infection of these areas of the body. Also, these formations on the genitals can cause discomfort during intimate intercourse and various gynecological manipulations.

Important! If HPV recurs during pregnancy and papillomas appear on the labia during pregnancy, this does not pose any threat to the expectant mother and baby.

However, doctors warn that primary infection with the virus during pregnancy may pose a risk. In women, the risk of unexpected termination of pregnancy, embryonic death and the development of various defects in the baby increases.

Papillomas caused by a highly carcinogenic virus can be dangerous. When localized on the labia of a pregnant woman, they can spread further to the cervix and become malignant over time.

Causes of papillomas on the labia during pregnancy

The main reason for the occurrence of condylomas and papillomas on the labia of a pregnant woman is the presence of the corresponding virus in the blood. You can become infected with it through sexual contact with a carrier, as well as through the use of certain things in everyday life. Less commonly, infection occurs in saunas, baths, and swimming pools.

Pregnancy is a lot of stress for the body. At the same time, a global “restructuring” of many systems in a woman’s body occurs. If certain negative factors are added to these natural and normal processes, this can provoke the active development of papilloma infection, which will cause the appearance of tumors.

Also, during the period of bearing a baby, the functioning of the immune system is somewhat inhibited. This is a normal process that should allow the woman’s body not to reject the fetus as a foreign body.

Papillomas on the labia in pregnant women also occur for the following reasons:

  1. Restructuring of a woman's hormonal background;
  2. Increased blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
  3. Vitamin deficiency and hypovitaminosis;
  4. The presence of concomitant sexual diseases: gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, candidiasis, chlamydia, herpes;
  5. Violation of the microflora of the vagina and mucous membrane of the external genitalia;
  6. Intoxication of the body due to an unhealthy lifestyle;
  7. Problems with the functioning of the digestive system;
  8. Long-term use of certain medications.

In addition, there is an opinion that papillomas can form in places that are subject to frequent and intense mechanical stress. This may be the friction of underwear or tight clothing on the labia area. Therefore, it is important to select clothes that fit, taking into account the increasing body weight and volume while carrying a baby, in order to avoid the influence of this factor.

Diagnosis of papillomas on the labia during pregnancy

Papillomas on the labia of pregnant women have a specific appearance, and therefore are easily recognized by the attending physician during a gynecological examination. Sometimes a specialist may use special magnifying devices to clarify the diagnosis. This makes it possible to better examine the affected area of ​​the genital mucosa.

However, the health status of a pregnant woman requires special monitoring, and therefore, most likely, the doctor will prescribe additional tests. This is necessary to identify the type of virus and its danger in terms of the degeneration of papillomas into cancerous tumors.

Typically, the following diagnostic methods are used:

  1. Immunological analysis of papilloma cells;
  2. Histological and cytological analysis;
  3. Analysis of scrapings of epithelial cells from a neoplasm.

The highest risk of malignancy of papillomas on the labia during pregnancy occurs in women over 35 years of age, in the presence of sexually transmitted diseases, various pathological changes in the cervix, as well as in girls who had sexual relations early. In such cases, a biopsy may be prescribed to determine the risk of malignancy of the growths.

Methods for treating papillomas on the labia during pregnancy

Any pathological neoplasms on the labia during pregnancy should be a reason for urgent consultation with a doctor. As a rule, if the disease manifests itself later than the first trimester, treatment is postponed until the postpartum period. However, sometimes papillomas on the labia during pregnancy grow greatly and increase in size, which can interfere with normal labor. Therefore, urgent treatment for HPV may be indicated.

Acidic solutions against papillomas on the labia of a pregnant woman

As a rule, in medical institutions they use trichloroacetic acid solution a certain concentration to remove tumors. This is a relatively non-toxic substance that acts only locally, and therefore cannot harm the pregnant woman or the embryo.

Essentially, exposure to acid is a chemical burn that has a destructive effect on papillomas on the labia during pregnancy. After such manipulation, the new growths become crusty, dry out and fall off after a certain time.

Usually the procedure is performed under local anesthesia, as it is quite painful.

The price for removing papilloma on the labia with trichloroacetic acid in Russia is 1000-2000 rubles (in Ukraine - 350-700 hryvnia).

Physical destruction with papillomas on the genitals

Methods of physical destruction (destruction) of tumors essentially eliminate the growth, minimizing the risk of relapse. For papillomas on the labia during pregnancy, some methods can be used, but with caution, as they can be painful and require local anesthesia. Any treatment must be agreed upon with a gynecologist, who will weigh all the risks and prescribe the optimal treatment option.

Important! New growths in the anogenital zone can be removed by physical methods after 22 weeks of pregnancy.

Among the most effective methods for removing papillomas on the labia in pregnant women are the following:

  1. Laser destruction. The laser beam affects the tumor with high temperature, which leads to the destruction of papilloma cells with further death of the growth. The advantages of this method are relative painlessness, targeted impact, short rehabilitation period, low risk of infection. The price of laser removal of papilloma on the labia in Russia is 1000-2000 rubles (350-750 hryvnia in Ukraine).
  2. Cryodestruction. In this case, the formation is affected by cold (liquid nitrogen). The latter is applied pointwise to the affected areas of the body. Freezing leads to cell death and rejection. This is a minimally invasive procedure that rarely leads to complications. The price of cryodestruction for removing papilloma on the labia of pregnant women in Russia is 850-1700 rubles (300-500 hryvnia in Ukraine).
  3. Radio wave removal. This method is the most preferred for removing papillomas on the labia during pregnancy. It is painless, safe, fast and does not harm the mother and child. Papilloma is destroyed by destroying the stalk with which it is attached to the surface of the skin or mucous membrane. The price of radio wave removal of papillomas on the labia in Russia is 1400-2400 rubles (450-850 hryvnia in Ukraine).
  4. Electrocoagulation. The destruction of the tumor occurs under the influence of current of different frequencies. As a result, the structure of the growth is destroyed and it dies. This usually takes from 7 to 10 days. It is also a fairly safe method of destroying HPV manifestations. The price of electrocoagulation of papillomas on the genital organs of pregnant women in Russia is 800-1600 rubles (350-500 hryvnia in Ukraine).

In rare cases it can be used classical surgical removal method viral formation on the labia. However, in case of pregnancy, this method is rarely prescribed due to its traumatic nature, risk of bleeding and infection of the surgical site.

Medicines for the treatment of papillomas during pregnancy

As a rule, medications are not able to completely get rid of papillomas. Their main goal is to reduce the activity of the virus and suppress its spread. For pregnant women, this is also an opportunity to prevent infection of the child at birth. To suppress HPV in pregnant women, the following groups of drugs are used.

Antiviral drugs

They suppress the virus, preventing it from multiplying and spreading throughout the body. These medications also help stimulate the immune system so that it can fight HPV on its own.

Not all antiviral drugs are allowed to be used for papillomas on the labia during pregnancy. Among the more or less safe ones there are: Panavir, Cidofovir and various harmless analogues - Genferon, Giporamine.


The goal of such therapy is to force your own immunity to fight the virus. For this, as a rule, suppositories are used: Viferon and its analogues Introferobion, Oferon. The suppositories are placed rectally under the supervision of a physician.

Traditional methods of treating papillomas on the labia during pregnancy

Traditional medicine offers a lot of different ways to treat papillomas. However, you should be extremely careful when using these methods while carrying a baby, so as not to harm either yourself or the fetus.

The following recipes can only be used when you are sure that the neoplasm is benign:

  1. Green apple. We take the green sour fruit, cut it and wipe the papillomas on the labia during pregnancy with the cut 3 times a day.
  2. Garlic. Chop and squeeze out the juice from the garlic. We use it to wipe the areas where growths accumulate several times a day until the growths become smaller.
  3. Kalanchoe. The juice should be squeezed out of the plant and applied 3-4 times a day to the papillomas.
  4. Potato. We chop one raw root vegetable and apply the porridge to new growths on the skin and mucous membranes several times a day until the papillomas decrease.
  5. Castor oil. We rub this substance on the papillomas on the labia during pregnancy three times a day.
  6. Chamomile and onion peel. A decoction of this raw material should be made in a 1:1 ratio. Pour it into a small bath and sit in warm water for 15-20 minutes every evening.
Important! These methods can only be used after consulting a doctor. Often folk recipes are used as additional ones in the main treatment.

Watch a video about intimate warts in women:

Papillomas on the labia of pregnant women in most cases do not pose a real danger to the health of the woman and child. However, these unpleasant neoplasms indicate the presence of a virus in the blood, which can be transmitted to the baby. It is important to diagnose these formations in time and carry out treatment under the supervision of a doctor.