How to perform a preventive full body massage

Massage is a procedure that can be used to cure a number of diseases and improve physical and psychological well-being. The essence of preventive massage is that the patient does not have to be sick or suffer from any illness in order to feel the effect of the procedure. Preventive massage can be performed at any time to prevent the development of diseases and stressful situations.

All a person should feel from a massage is lightness, relaxation and pleasant touches. All techniques and movements that will be proposed for implementation are intended only for preventive purposes and cannot replace therapeutic massage. The main goal is to relieve stress and tension.

Preventive massage

Stress and tension will disappear from the first minute


Self-massage is a type of massage that can be performed at any free minute. This massage is also beneficial for the body, like other types. Many people don’t even think about the fact that when they rub a stiff shoulder or a wrinkle on their forehead, they perform a small self-massage. Take note and perform the techniques throughout the day. By the evening you will feel the fatigue and tension disappear.

Shoulders and face

Let's consider the technique of preventive massage in the area of ​​the shoulders and face. It is in the shoulders and neck that a lot of tension accumulates at the end of the working day. Regular massaging of this area will avoid overstrain and give the muscles the opportunity to rest. So let's begin:

  1. Squeeze and begin to knead your shoulder with your hand. Then repeat the same with the other shoulder.
  2. Moving on to the face: use your fingertips to make several circular movements, starting from the chin area and smoothly move upward. If your arms are tired, lie on the floor and perform this technique while lying down.

Hand massage

Hands are subject to a lot of stress because they are the most overworked part of the body. Regular hand massage will bring great benefits. In particular, massage should be performed by those people who work at the computer. Among other things, hands are a tool that needs careful care and attention.

  1. We begin the procedure by pinching the gap between each finger in turn. This technique will improve blood circulation and relieve accumulated tension.
  2. After kneading, you need to gently pull each finger. The purpose of this technique is to stretch the tendons.
  3. Using your thumb and index finger, stretch each finger of your other hand. Then do the same technique with the other hand.
  4. Finally, use your thumb to make circular movements on your other hand. The movements must be deep enough.

Hand massage

Hand massage

Invigorating hand and neck massage

Even if we do not engage in active physical activity, our limbs experience a feeling of weakness and fatigue. Therefore, we offer a quick self-massage procedure that will eliminate physical fatigue, restore energy, and prevent pain in the shortest possible time.

  1. Using pulling movements, begin to move quickly from the wrist to the shoulder and back. The fabric should be tightly clamped, the movements should be rigid and energetic. By performing a calm classic massage, you will soothe your muscles. Our goal is to invigorate your arms and shoulders.
  2. Let's move on to the next movement: you need to quickly rub the back of your hand with short and energetic movements. This technique stimulates blood circulation well.
  3. We start moving our shoulders: raise your shoulders up and hold them in this position for some time.
  4. Then relax your muscles and repeat the technique again. As you relax, you will feel the tension and fatigue go away.

Invigorating hand massage

Invigorating hand massage

Foot massage

Foot massage is beneficial for absolutely everyone: both children and adults. This procedure is especially recommended for those who spend a lot of time on their feet. It won’t hurt those whose working day is spent in relative immobility.

We will show you how to quickly and easily get rid of aching pain in your legs, cramps and swelling. A quick massage will stimulate blood circulation and relieve pain. This procedure can be performed not only in the evening. To soften stiff muscles, massage in the morning.

  1. We begin the massage from the thigh area: clasp the thigh with both hands and begin to knead it. Then, use your thumb and index finger to begin pulling back the skin. Repeat the same with the second thigh.
  2. Apply the same technique to the knee area. In this area, the pressure and intensity should be reduced. The movements should resemble small circles.
  3. Bend your leg and use your thumb and index finger to gently pull back the skin, kneading it. The movements should be directed from the ankle upward.
  4. Then, with the backs of your hands, lightly tap first on one thigh, then on the other.
  5. Finally, lightly stroke your legs, moving from the ankle to the thigh. This movement will direct the blood towards the heart.

Foot massage

Foot massage


  1. acute infections;
  2. inflammation;
  3. feverish condition;
  4. diseases of the cardiovascular system.

If you want to feel cheerful, cheerful and energetic throughout the day, a quick and easy preventative massage procedure will help you regain your energy and good mood.