Papillomas on the back: causes and treatment

Papilloma on a girl's back

The content of the article:
  1. What does papilloma look like on the back?
  2. Reasons for appearance
  3. Treatment of papillomas on the back
    1. Medicines
    2. Folk remedies
    3. Removal of papillomas
  4. Prevention of papillomas on the back

Papilloma on the back is a benign neoplasm in the form of a papilla covered with epithelium. Outwardly, it looks like a cockscomb or cauliflower due to its heterogeneous shape. The growth develops from the epidermis and most often does not pose a danger, provided the degree of oncogenicity of the virus is low. Let's take a closer look at the causes and methods of treating papillomas on the back.

What does papilloma on the back look like?

What does papilloma look like on the back?

In the photo there are papillomas on the back

Papillomas on the back look the same as formations on the face, arms and other parts of the body. They can be flat, not standing out much on the surface of the skin, or hanging, in contact with it through a stalk.

Most often, the growths have clear outlines, a white, pink or brown tint, and an uneven surface. Their size is usually 0.5-1 cm, but it can be larger. The formation can be localized in any area - on the lower back, between the shoulder blades, closer to the armpit.

The papilloma on the back protrudes slightly above the skin, and due to this it is quite easy to distinguish it from other formations - warts and moles. Such growths can be both single and numerous, but they are rarely grouped and are mainly distributed over different zones.

The skin around the papilloma is often slightly inflamed, which indicates a source of infection. Mild or severe tissue itching may also periodically appear, causing a desire to scratch the growth. If it is not controlled, its integrity may be compromised and bleeding may occur. When ripping off a papilloma on the back, it is highly likely that painful sensations will occur and a scar will remain.

Causes of papillomas on the back

HPV 3d model

Such formations appear only in a person who is infected with the papilloma virus. It can enter the body in completely different ways - during kissing, sexual contact, shaking hands, using the things of its carrier. Infection occurs through damaged skin.

After ingestion, HPV does not reveal itself for months or years, being in a dormant state, external manifestations become noticeable only when it is activated.

Possible reasons for the appearance of papillomas on the back include:

  1. Gastrointestinal diseases. An unfavorable situation arises for people suffering from gastritis and colitis, as a result of which beneficial vitamins and minerals are not fully absorbed in the stomach and intestines. Because of this, the level of hemoglobin decreases and vitamin deficiency develops, which reduces the degree of protection of the body.
  2. Depression. Constant stress exhausts a person, and as a result, the body works for wear and tear. Naturally, because of this, there can be no talk of 100% prevention of virus attacks. Calmly penetrating the body, it does not encounter any obstacles and begins to harm. The first thing HPV does is impair the immunity that people need to fight it. As a result, over time, new growths appear on the body, including on the back.
  3. Bad habits. People who smoke, abuse alcohol and are addicted to drugs are most susceptible to the appearance of papillomas on the back. This lifestyle negatively affects the immune system and health in general, which triggers the activation of HPV and provokes the growth of formations.
  4. Long-term medication use. Long-term treatment with antibiotics can be harmful, as they suppress the immune system and prevent it from doing its job at the proper level, which entails the active activity of HPV. It is also important that they disrupt the intestinal microflora, destroying beneficial bacteria that are necessary to successfully repel viral attacks.

The most vulnerable age categories of people are children, pregnant women and the elderly, whose immunity is more susceptible to the effects of the papilloma virus and cannot perform 100% protective functions.

People who are promiscuous, ignore contraception during coitus, and often change sexual partners are more likely to become infected with HPV. There is also a high probability of papillomas appearing on the back of those who regularly visit the sauna, swimming pool, or bathhouse. This may also affect those who do not comply with personal hygiene rules.

  1. Read also what papillomas look like on the body

Methods for treating papillomas on the back

Before starting self-treatment of papillomas on the back, it is necessary to determine the causes of their appearance and undergo an examination by a dermatologist. It is necessary to conduct PCR diagnostics to determine the type of virus and the degree of its oncogenicity, do an MRI of soft tissues, and take a blood test. To exclude malignancy, the neoplasm should be examined for cancer cells.

Medications for the treatment of papillomas on the back

Medications for the treatment of papillomas on the back

The photo shows medications for the treatment of papillomas on the back

Within one course, the patient is prescribed drugs to suppress the activity of the virus, stop its spread throughout the body, strengthen the immune system and dry out papillomas on the back for further removal. To do this, it is necessary to undergo a 2-4 week course of therapy, which must be repeated if necessary, after resting for about 2-4 months, depending on the medications taken.

Next, we will talk about the most common drugs for the treatment of papillomas on the back:

  1. To combat HPV. For this purpose, it is recommended to drink Lykopid tablets for a week, which should be taken 1-2 pieces. per day with a small amount of water. Their cost is about 300 rubles. (140 UAH). As a replacement, you can use the highly effective drugs “Immunal” and “Kagocel”; they should also be taken 1-2 tablets a day 30 minutes before meals along with water. Treatment is carried out for 2 weeks. Among the tablets, we can also recommend Cycloferon, which is sold in 20 pcs. in a package, this amount is usually enough for a course. Its worthy analogues are the medicine “Amiksin” and the solution for intramuscular administration “Derinat”. To improve the condition, you need to do at least 7 injections.
  2. Vitamins. This type of medication is needed by all those who have papillomas on the back due to vitamin deficiency and low immunity. The Vitrum food supplement, packaged in containers of 30, 60 and 100 tablets, will help correct the situation; you can buy them for an average of 500 rubles. It is proposed to replace this drug with an equally effective Complivit, which is enough to take 2 pieces. per day. He also has an alternative - Alphabet, which costs about 300 rubles. (130 UAH). Regardless of the dietary supplement chosen, the duration of the course of immunity correction for papillomas on the back in women or men should be at least 2 weeks, but it is advisable to take the drug for a month. After this, you must take a break for 6 months so that the body can rest and to eliminate hypervitaminosis.
  3. For external processing. Such products should only be used to lubricate or wipe papillomas and surrounding tissues. The most affordable and effective of them is ordinary hydrogen peroxide. It costs no more than 100 rubles. (40 UAH), and you can buy it without a prescription at any pharmacy. It is also recommended to choose different ointments - Vishnevsky ointment or Balsamic Liniment is considered very good. The product should be used to treat papillomas on the back of men and women 2-3 times a day, or you can use them to prepare compresses, which should be kept on the formation for about 15 minutes, then the composition should be washed off with water. The cost of such funds is about 70 rubles. (25 UAH). It is also possible to treat papillomas with iodine and brilliant green, but you should try to avoid alcohol in the composition, which can lead to overdrying of the tissues.
Note! Among other popular remedies for papillomas on the back in women and men, special mention should be made of the Verrukacid solution, Zinc ointment, Feresol, Panavir gel and Aldara cream. For quick and safe cauterization of growths, it is also recommended to use CryoPharma.
  1. See also the results of using Gepon for papillomas

Folk remedies against papillomas on the back

Lemon juice against papillomas on the back

If there are no desired results from using medications to treat papillomas on the back, you should pay special attention to folk remedies. Their use can be either the main method of therapy or an addition to other methods.

Important! Before starting to use home remedies, it is recommended to consult a doctor; he will tell you what to do for papillomas on the back.

Of all the recipes for folk remedies, it is worth taking note of the following:

  1. With juices. The easiest way to wipe the formations and the skin surrounding them is with an extract from the leaves of young aloe, which can be obtained by squeezing. It needs to be used to treat the growths 2 to 5 times a day. Lemon juice, which is used according to the same principle, will be no less effective, but it should not be left as a compress on the skin for more than 20 minutes to avoid dry tissue. Potato juice will also be a pleasant surprise; in order to remove papillomas on the back, you need to wipe them 2-3 times a day. As an option, you can use an extract from celandine, which is similar in its effect to aloe juice.
  2. With infusions. In a 1 liter glass jar, mix equal amounts (2 tsp each) of chamomile, St. John's wort, thyme and dandelion flowers. Now carefully pour warm, not hot water into the container so that its walls do not crack. Then cover the dish with a lid and keep the mixture in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator, for a little over 4 hours. Before use, strain the infusion using a sieve or gauze and use a cotton pad to wipe the growths. The optimal frequency of procedures is 3 times a day. Using the same scheme, you can use an infusion of calendula (2 tsp), wormwood (1 tsp), licorice (2 tsp) and lemon balm (3 tsp). This amount of herb will require 2 liters of cooled boiled water. The product should be kept in the refrigerator for about 2 days, and before use, filtered, discarding the pulp. Removal of papilloma on the back will become possible only after completing the full course of 10-15 days.
  3. With decoctions. Unlike infusions, the components used here in combination with water must be heat treated for 10-15 minutes. The most successful is a mixture of angelica, aralia, eleutherococcus and licorice, taken 1 tsp each. Combine them in this quantity and pour warm water into them, and then bring it to a boil over low heat. Next, filter the product through a sieve and take 50 ml of it orally. You can also bathe in the broth, adding 2-3 liters of it to a partial bath. Another equally popular recipe: combine aralia, licorice, marshmallow, elecampane and leuzea in equal parts (2 tsp each), pour boiled water (1 l) over the mixture and keep under the lid for a little over 10 hours. Moisten a piece of gauze in the prepared broth and apply it to the formation 2 times a day for 20 minutes.

Among other folk remedies, mention should be made of garlic or onion pulp, which should be used to wipe the formations once a day at any time of the day. No less useful in removing papilloma on the back will be green tea and goat fat, sea buckthorn and flaxseed oil - all of this should be used as compresses or for rubbing.

  1. See also real reviews about lemon against papillomas

Removal of papillomas on the back

Electrocoagulation of papilloma on the back

Such methods are resorted to when no significant results are visible from the use of various folk remedies and drug treatment. They involve minimally invasive removal of papillomas on the back using radiation, nitrogen, radio waves or heat. They are distinguished by a quick solution to the problem, painlessness and absence of consequences from the intervention.

Basic methods for removing papillomas on the back:

  1. Cryodestruction. This is the simplest and fastest method, requiring cauterization of the growth at a low temperature, namely cold liquid nitrogen. Its advantage is the high speed of obtaining the effect, the absence of the need to cut tissue, perform anesthesia and a long rehabilitation period. The price of cryodestruction is 360 rubles (from 150 hryvnia).
  2. Electrocoagulation. Of all the physiotherapeutic procedures, only this one guarantees almost 100% safety. After the session, the patient may experience complications only if the doctor is unprofessional, and this can mainly be a minor burn. This method is suitable for removing both single and numerous papillomas on the back, even for people with a low pain threshold. The price of electrocoagulation reaches 590 rubles (250 hryvnia).
  3. Laser therapy. This method does not require tissue cutting; the formation is removed by heat. This minimizes the likelihood of bleeding and scarring. The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia, the issue is resolved in one go. The operation lasts about 30 minutes. The price of laser therapy is 2900 rubles (from 1300 hryvnia).
  4. Radiosurgical removal. Removal of papilloma in this case is carried out using a radio wave knife, which eliminates the growth along with the base. After the operation, the patient can go home immediately; rehabilitation as such is not necessary. The session lasts about half an hour. The price of radiosurgical removal of growths is 3000 rubles (from 1200 hryvnia).

To dispel all doubts about whether it is necessary to remove papilloma on the back, you should consult a dermatologist before the procedure.

  1. Read also about wound care after surgical removal of papilloma

Prevention of papillomas on the back

Fruits and vegetables to strengthen the immune system

First of all, you must observe the rules of personal hygiene: before eating, do not forget to wash your hands, do not bite your nails, do not bite your lips, and do not scratch pimples. In case of damage to the skin, the wounds should be immediately disinfected with alcohol and other products based on it.

It is recommended to eat fresh fruits and vegetables every day to strengthen the immune system - oranges, greens, cabbage, apples and many others. etc.

When ARVI appears, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment for the disease.

It is also important to use contraception during coitus to prevent HPV infection.

Twice a year you should take a course of vitamin-mineral complexes for a month. They are necessary to strengthen the immune system, maintain normal hemoglobin levels and strengthen the body’s defenses in order to successfully repel attacks by dangerous HPV.

  1. Read also: Is it dangerous to scratch papillomas on the back?

What to do with papillomas on the back - watch the video:

Removing papilloma on the back is a fairly simple and safe procedure if you follow all the rules and follow the instructions. It is also important to take into account the recommendations of doctors and listen to your body; only careful attention to treatment will solve the problem without consequences.

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