Papillomas in the throat of a child: causes, symptoms and treatment

Papillomas in the throat

The content of the article:
  1. Why do they appear?
  2. What do papillomas in the throat look like in children?
  3. Diagnostic features
  4. What is the danger
  5. Treatment of papillomas in the throat of a child
    1. Medicines
    2. Folk remedies
    3. Removal

Papillomas in a child’s throat are pathological growths that were caused by the activity of HPV in the child’s body. Such formations can be localized on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, pharynx, upper palate, vocal cords, larynx, trachea. As a rule, the disease occurs in children between the ages of 1 and 5 years.

Why do papillomas appear in a child’s throat?

HPV 3d model

Papillomas on the mucous membrane of the throat in children appear mainly when the papillomavirus is transmitted from mother to child during delivery. Less commonly, the virus penetrates through the umbilical cord into the blood of the embryo. This infection is considered congenital.

HPV can also infect a baby under the following conditions:

  1. In medical institutions with insufficient hygiene;
  2. In children's groups when in contact with sick people;
  3. At home, if a carrier of papillomavirus lives with the child.

The pathogen is transmitted through bodily fluids, common hygiene items, and bodily contact.

Considering the statistics according to which about 80-90% of people on the entire planet are infected with HPV, the prevalence of this virus is very high. This means that the risk of infection is quite high. However, when HPV enters the bloodstream, it is not always activated and causes papillomatosis, including laryngeal papillomas in children. For years, this pathogen can remain in the human body in a passive state. Activation occurs only when favorable conditions coincide.

As a rule, the factor accompanying the development of the virus is the general decrease in the body's protective functions. Newborns have virtually no immunity, so if the virus was transmitted from mother to child, then the risk of developing papilloma in the child’s throat and other organs is very high.

Also, at the age of 2-3 years, many children go to preschool institutions. This is where the so-called “adaptation” of the baby to infections. At this stage of life, children often get sick, and immunity automatically decreases. At the same time, papillomas often form.

In addition, it can provoke the appearance of papillomas on a child’s throat. infectious inflammatory disease this organ. Often, neoplasms form after severe sore throats, scarlet fever, influenza, and measles.

Sometimes a prolonged allergic reaction, poor diet, or smoking of loved ones in the presence of the baby can lead to the appearance of papillomas on a child’s larynx.
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What do papillomas in the throat look like in children?

What do papillomas in the throat look like in children?

Photos of papillomas in the throat in children

Papillomas in the throat of children can be quite difficult to notice, since they are hidden from view. They can develop for a long time without showing signs. The initial symptoms of the disease sometimes appear when complications occur and the disease enters the chronic stage.

Usually, papillomas in a child’s throat do not cause discomfort or pain. They also do not itch or cause burning. Externally they are similar to a group of small papillae, no more than 10 mm in size, which often merge together. May resemble a broccoli floret with jagged edges. The color most often does not differ from healthy areas of the mucous membrane. They may be more red or have a whitish coating.

Sometimes, at an advanced stage of papillomatosis, the growths can become inflamed and cause bleeding. As the disease progresses, laryngeal papillomas in children grow and block the lumen. In this case, the baby experiences difficulty swallowing and breathing. If neoplasms affect the vocal cords and tonsils, the disease is accompanied by a change in voice (the appearance of hoarseness) and even its complete disappearance.

Nonspecific symptoms of papillomas on the throat of a child include: cough, feeling of the presence of a foreign body, difficulty swallowing, rapid fatigue of the vocal cords when talking or whispering.
  1. Read also what papillomas on the tonsils look like in children

Features of diagnosing papillomas in the throat of a child

Visual examination of a child’s throat by an ENT doctor

There are several ways to identify papillomas in the throat. Comprehensive diagnostics allows not only to determine the cause of the growths, but also their exact location, degree of organ damage and size.

Diagnosis of papillomas in the throat of a child includes the following methods:

  1. Visual examination by an ENT doctor. A specialist may use a laryngoscope to examine distant areas of the throat. Direct laryngoscopy is performed in preschool children, and indirect laryngoscopy in older children.
  2. Microlaryngoscopy. Study of all parts of the throat and upper respiratory tract using a special device - an operating microscope.
  3. Computed tomography and x-ray of the throat.
  4. Electroglottography and laryngostroboscopy. Study of the functionality of the child’s vocal cords.
  5. Biopsy of neoplasms. In this case, a piece of papilloma is pinched off and sent for analysis to the laboratory. This study allows us to determine the benign nature of the growth.

Additionally, the baby’s blood may be taken for analysis. The latter makes it possible to identify the viral load on the body and the type of pathogen that caused the appearance of papillomas on the child’s throat.

It is important to carry out differential diagnosis in order to make a correct diagnosis and not confuse this disease with acute or chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, the presence of foreign objects in the respiratory organs, diphtheria, laryngitis, laryngeal tuberculosis, tumors.

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What is the danger of papillomas in the throat in children?

What is the danger of papillomas in the throat in children?

Usually papillomas on the larynx in a child are benign growths. Quite rarely, these formations can become malignant and become cancer. However, such a risk exists.

Happens much more often traumatization of papillomas. This is dangerous because severe bleeding may develop, as well as a secondary infection and an inflammatory process will begin.

There is also a danger of gradual progression of tumors and their proliferation on the trachea and bronchi. In this case, there is a risk of sudden suffocation with subsequent death. This happens if the papilloma is injured, breaks off and falls into the lumen of the glottis.

In addition, when the respiratory tract is affected by papillomas, shortness of breath, heaviness of breathing, and subsequent oxygen starvation are often observed.

Considering the above risks and the tendency for epithelium to grow, all laryngeal papillomas in children are subject to mandatory elimination.

Methods for treating papillomas in the throat of a child

When developing a correct treatment program for papillomas in a child’s throat, the doctor takes into account that the growths are only a symptom of the body being damaged by the virus. In addition, these tumors are classified as frequently recurrent. To minimize the risk of developing recurrent pathologies, you should approach the treatment of the disease comprehensively.

Medicines for laryngeal papillomas in children

Preparations for laryngeal papillomas in children

The photo shows medications for papillomas in the throat in children

Drug therapy for HPV in adults and children comes down to antiviral and immunostimulating effects on the body. The main goal of such treatment is to suppress the activity of the pathogen, reduce the viral load on the body and strengthen the protective functions of the immune system.

These are considered effective antivirals, such as Cycloferon (about 200 rubles), Viferon (from 300 rubles), as well as analogues Panavir (from 1,500 rubles) and Allokin-alpha (from 3,500 rubles). These drugs can be prescribed to children both in the form of tablets and rectal suppositories. Less commonly, injectables (Allokin-alpha) may be prescribed. But usually such treatment methods are indicated for children with severe papillomatosis.

It should also be remembered that papillomas in a child’s throat are a signal of a weakened immune system. Therefore, it is important to bring the body’s protective functions back to normal. Will help with this immunostimulants. Well-proven products: Likopid (from 350 rubles), Derinat (from 300 rubles), as well as analogues IRS-19 (from 550 rubles) and Amiksin (from 600 rubles). These drugs are also available in various forms - tablets, injections, suppositories and sprays for irrigating the mouth and throat.

It is unacceptable to self-medicate and use the above medications without a doctor’s prescription. An exclusively pediatric specialist is able to establish the correct dosage, duration of therapy and form of medication.

Folk remedies for papillomas in a child’s throat

Chamomile infusion

Traditional medicine methods for treating papilloma in a child’s throat cannot be used independently. They can only complement the main therapy and alleviate unpleasant symptoms.

The following remedies relieve throat discomfort well and have a mild therapeutic effect:

  1. Chamomile infusion. This is a good anti-inflammatory drug that is used topically to gargle a child with papillomas and after their removal. The product should be prepared in the following proportion: a couple of tablespoons of dry raw materials per glass of boiling water. After cooling, the infusion is filtered and used for rinsing.
  2. Immunostimulating collection. Herbs help well: oregano, mint, thyme, coltsfoot, licorice, raspberry, plantain, blackcurrant. It is recommended to mix the raw materials in equal doses and pour boiling water over a couple of tablespoons. After straining, you need to give the child half a glass to drink before meals.
  3. Honey solution. Dilute a teaspoon of honey in a glass of warm water and give it to your child to drink. This remedy strengthens the immune system well and helps fight laryngeal papillomas in children.

Also stimulates the body's protective functions freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices. You can give your child multivitamin complexes after consulting a pediatrician and otolaryngologist.

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Removal of papillomas on the throat in children

Removal of papillomas on a child’s throat

Drug treatment for papillomas in a child’s throat may not be effective enough to eliminate the growths. As a rule, it is impossible to do without surgical removal of tumors.

Surgery is the most common and effective way to eliminate papillomas. There are several methods for eliminating growths:

  1. Scalpel. In this case, local anesthesia is used and the surgeon cuts out the papilloma from the mucous membrane using a scalpel. This procedure requires high precision from the doctor, since such removal is associated with the risk of scar formation and deformation of the tissue, which leads to a narrowing of the glottis, lumen of the trachea, and larynx. Surgical operations can be performed extra-larynx or intra-larynx. The latter method is considered more gentle and completely preserves the child’s vocal function. The price for removing papillomas in a child’s throat with a scalpel is 800-1700 rubles in Russia and 300-550 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  2. Radiosurgery. This is a modern and safest way to remove laryngeal papillomas in children. The technique of using a radioknife does not leave scars, does not provoke blood loss, does not require visible incisions in the epidermis, and also minimizes the risk of complications and recurrence of pathology. The cost of radio removal of growths in the throat is 2500-3500 rubles in Russia and 600-1200 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  3. Ultrasonic removal. This procedure uses high-power ultrasound to affect the formations. This is a low-traumatic technique, which also rarely leads to complications and re-formation of growths. The price of ultrasound treatment of papillomas is 1500-2300 rubles in Russia and 370-700 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  4. Laser removal. The pathological formation is cauterized with a laser beam. The risk of bleeding with this treatment option is minimal, and relapses almost never occur. The cost of laser destruction of papillomas on a child’s throat is 1600-2500 rubles in Russia and 400-750 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  5. Electrocoagulation. In this case, high frequency current is used, which affects the papilloma, cauterizing it. This is a rather painful procedure and is not often prescribed to children. The cost of electrocoagulation of papillomas in a child is 1300-2400 rubles in Russia and 300-630 hryvnia in Ukraine.

Children with papillomas on the throat are almost never prescribed removal of growths using cauterizing chemicals, for example, lead salts, silver, acids and other aggressive substances.

How to get rid of papillomas in a child’s throat - watch the video:

Papillomas on the larynx in a child are a dangerous pathology that requires mandatory medical intervention. Moreover, as a rule, it is impossible to do without surgical intervention and physical removal of formations. Papillomatosis on the throat is dangerous because the growths can block the airways and cause asphyxia. Therefore, self-medication in this case is unacceptable.

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