Myoplasty (Myoplasty)

Myoplasty is a plastic surgery to restore muscle. During myoplasty, a part of the muscle is separated, which is subsequently used to correct various tissue defects or deformations of the adjacent muscle.

During the procedure, the surgeon separates a fragment of healthy muscle along with blood vessels and nerves. This muscle flap retains its blood supply, allowing it to survive in its new location. The flap is then moved to the desired area and fixed to replace the defect.

Myoplasty can be used for various conditions:

  1. For closing soft tissue defects after injuries or surgical removal of tumors.

  2. To eliminate congenital abnormalities of muscle development.

  3. To restore the volume of atrophied muscles.

  4. To strengthen weakened muscles by moving additional muscle mass into them.

  5. To correct deformities caused by paralysis.

Myoplasty allows you to effectively restore the shape and function of damaged muscles using the patient’s own tissue. This gives good cosmetic and functional results compared to prosthetics. Correctly performed surgery ensures reliable engraftment of the graft and restoration of muscle strength.

Myoplasty is a plastic muscle repair that involves separating a specific section of muscle, which is then used to correct defects or deformities located near that muscle. This treatment method can be used to repair damaged or injured muscles, as well as to correct deformities and defects caused by various diseases such as arthritis, osteoporosis and others.

The myoplasty procedure involves separating a specific area of ​​damaged muscle from the rest of the body and then using that area to restore the muscle's shape and function. The separation is performed using a special instrument called a myoplastic stem. The separated section of muscle is then placed at the site of the defect or deformity and secured with special sutures or staples.

After the myoplasty procedure, the patient can begin recovery immediately. However, full recovery may take several weeks or months, depending on the complexity of the surgery and the individual patient.

One of the main advantages of myoplasty is the ability to eliminate muscle defects and deformations that can be caused by various diseases or injuries. In addition, this treatment method restores muscle function, which can improve the patient's quality of life and increase physical activity.

However, myoplasty has its limitations and risks. For example, the procedure may be more difficult for patients who are obese or have other medical conditions that may affect the recovery process. In addition, complications such as infection, bleeding, or damage to adjacent tissue may occur during myoplasty.

Overall, myoplasty is an effective treatment for muscle defects and deformities. However, before resorting to this treatment method, it is necessary to consult with a doctor and undergo an examination to determine whether it is suitable for a particular patient.

Myoplasty is a procedure that allows you to restore damaged muscle and improve the patient's functionality. This procedure may be beneficial for people who have experienced muscle injuries, nerve disorders, osteoarthritis, or other diseases. Although myoplasty is usually performed in adults, it can also be used in childhood in patients suffering from movement disorders caused by various reasons, such as congenital malformations, lesions of the nervous system, etc.

The myoplasty process involves separating the healthy part of the damaged muscle using special equipment such as a ligature (thread) or self-expansion