
Papillotomy is a medical surgical procedure that can be performed on an outpatient basis. The operation involves dissection of the urethra (urethra) in order to reduce prostate adenoma, change the direction of the urine stream after prostatectomy, improve the outflow of urine from stones in the urethra and prevent the release of part of the urine into the lubricant in women.

Thus, the essence of papilloma surgery is as follows: under anesthesia, the doctor makes a small incision in the skin above the head of the penis and carefully moves the tissue to the sides. As a rule, the incision is made at the narrowest part of the urethra, just above the head

Papillotomy (from Latin papilla - nipple and Greek - dissection, bifurcation) - surgical removal of the papilla of the mucous membrane. In dentistry, papillotomy means dissection of the papillary processes. This allows local hypertrophy to be eliminated if it causes discomfort to the patient.

Papillectomy, papillosphincterotomy (from Latin - papilla, appendage and Greek - to dissect, separate) is a surgical operation on the nasal passages to achieve sanitation of the nasal cavity from the adenoids (benign hypertrophy of the nasopharyngeal tonsil). Adenoid vegetations with medium size and large mass in their bilateral position can lead to difficulty in nasal breathing, the development of immunity disorders in the body, and can cause the formation of various types of chronic sinusitis, otitis, gastrointestinal dysfunction, such as chronic gastritis, reflux esophagitis and reflux gastritis. Based on the time it takes to restore nasal breathing after papillectomy, a distinction is made between early (2 - 5 days) and late rehabilitation (1 - 2 months). The negative consequences of papillotomies can lead to complications and lead to disability of the patient. Therefore, for patients who have been diagnosed with hypertrophy and require sanitation of the nasal cavity, innovative gentle techniques (drug therapy and physiotherapeutic methods) are used that effectively restore breathing.