
Paracentesis is a procedure that involves puncturing the eardrum to remove fluid or pus from the middle ear. It is performed for various ear diseases, such as otitis media, mastoiditis, exudative otitis and others.

Paracentesis is one of the most common treatments for otitis media. It removes fluid from the ear, which reduces pressure on the eardrum and reduces the risk of complications.

The paracentesis procedure is performed under local anesthesia. The doctor inserts a needle into the area of ​​the eardrum and pierces it. The fluid is then removed from the middle ear using a syringe.

After paracentesis, the patient may experience some discomfort associated with pain and tinnitus. However, this condition usually resolves within a few days.

In general, paracentesis is an effective treatment for otitis media and other ear diseases. However, before carrying out this procedure, you must consult your doctor and make sure it is necessary.

Paracerebral puncture (paracentesis, PC) is a diagnostic method used to study cerebrospinal fluid, which is often the cause of neurological disorders. CSF acquires the greatest diagnostic value in the study of cerebrospinal fluid and other fluids in cases of focal damage to the central nervous system in patients with head injury, convulsive seizures, and an unclear diagnosis. The study of cerebrospinal fluid can contribute to the early diagnosis of hydrocephalus or a tumor, and also determines the topic of surgical intervention. To obtain an objective result, it is necessary to comply with the rules of conduct.

Paracerebral puncture should be performed with a sterile instrument with the patient in the lateral position - a cushion is placed under the back, the head

Paracentesis is a surgical procedure that involves making a small cut or hole in tissue to remove fluid or pus from the body.

*Paracentesis* is used for the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases, such as, for example, *abscess, mastitis, pericarditis, pleurisy*.

The essence of the operation is