Facial nerve paralysis

This is a disease of the organ-instrument on the face, in which half of the face is unnaturally pulled to the side, its normal shape changes, and the lips and eyelids on this side cannot close properly. The reason for this is either relaxation or spasm of the muscles of the eyelids and face; you already know what these muscles are and where they begin.

When the facial nerve is paralyzed due to muscle relaxation, one side of the face, deviating, pulls the other side along with it; if the paralysis is strong, then it relaxes the entire face and changes its shape, and weak paralysis only relaxes. According to some doctors, relaxation of the healthy side of the face occurs because it is pulled by the crooked side, but this is unfounded; Pavel is one of these doctors. Facial paralysis arising from relaxation is caused by the above reasons for relaxation. As for facial paralysis, which is dependent on spasm, it is most common. When one half of the face spasms, the other half follows it; The reason here is the cause of the spasm and everything that is said in the paragraph about spasms.

Facial paralysis due to dry spasm is, for example, paralysis that appears during acute fevers and bowel movements due to diarrhea, vomiting, nosebleeds and other causes. It is malignant and kills.

Some doctors argue that the sore side in facial paralysis is the side that appears healthy; the reason for this is that the healthy side pulls on the diseased side, trying to align it. However, this turns out to be incorrect in most cases: anatomy and what you know about the muscles of the face teach that it is not true to say that this always happens. This is also clear from the fact that sensitivity disappears precisely on that half of the face where the paralysis occurred.

Many people develop a tumor of the angina type in the muscles of the neck, and as a result they experience facial paralysis; sometimes they are also affected by paralysis extending to the arms, because the exit point of the nerves from which the arm muscles receive motor force is also located at the cervical vertebrae. Any paralysis of the face that lasts up to six months, perhaps, does not give hope for a cure.

Know that facial paralysis sometimes foreshadows general paralysis and often even indicates the approach of sakta. Therefore, it is necessary to observe whether it is accompanied by the initial signs of epilepsy and sickness; If this is the case, then hurry up and make a strong bowel movement. Some doctors believe that with facial paralysis there is a danger of sudden death before the fourth day, and if the patient survives this period, he will recover. This opinion is apparently due to the fact that with facial paralysis one can expect strong sakta.

Signs. Blowing air and spitting occurs only on one side of the mouth, and the other half does not retain either air or saliva. Often this is accompanied by a headache, especially with paralysis from spasm. Which half of the face is damaged is determined as follows: when the diseased half is pulled back by hand and straightened, the healthy half easily returns to its natural shape.

As for facial paralysis due to muscle relaxation, movements become weak, sensitivity is mostly dulled, the skin and muscles seem soft, no tension is felt, the lower eyelid droops, half of the palate, located opposite the eye on the painful side, seems relaxed, moist and lethargic; this can be seen if you press your tongue down and look. The reason for this is that the membrane of the palate is adjacent to the membrane extending from the suture, which divides the palate longitudinally and participates with it; Along with this, the skin moves away and moves away from the back of the head and is difficult to return to its place.

Signs of facial paralysis dependent on spasm are as follows: sensations, in most cases, are not dulled, the skin on the forehead is so stretched that wrinkles disappear, facial muscles harden, in most cases the amount of saliva and phlegm decreases, the skin deviates more towards the neck and its harder to take away. As for the signs of wetness or dryness of facial paralysis caused by spasm, they are already known to you.

Signs of facial paralysis include a feeling of pain in the bones of the face, numbness of the skin on the face and frequent twitching.

Treatment. In this case, it is prudent not to move a patient with facial paralysis until the fourth or seventh day, to feed him with thinning substances, for example, a decoction of chickpeas with olive oil, but not drying, like honey and chicken are dried. If the nature is dry, then on the second day it should be brought into movement with the help of a very soft enema; this will be good.

Rushing to use rinses at the beginning of the disease is harmful: they often attract distant matter and do not dissolve nearby raw juices.

When the face is paralyzed by spasm, it is better to use strong medicines and never evacuate with weak and insufficient means until the matter is ripe. The hasty use of acute medicines dries out and thickens the matter and dries out the nerves, so that the action of the medicine on them is difficult. Therefore, it is better to wait to use them.

Facial paralysis should be treated as general paralysis or spasms are treated, using the remedies known to you, whichever is most suitable. It has been tested that if a person suffering from facial paralysis drinks two dirhams of Iyaraj of Hermes every day for a whole month in a row, it will have a strong effect. We also tried to drink ginger and calamus mixed with honey every morning and evening in the amount of one javza. Such patients should not be deprived of water sweetened with honey.

Some Indian doctors claim that the most effective means of treating facial paralysis is to apply boiled wild animal meat to the diseased organ and to the head. It seems that the best animals in this regard are the hare, hyena, fox, wild goat, fallow deer and wild ass, and not the gazelle and similar animals, the meat of which does not have a warming property.

In case of a wet disease, you should bandage the half of the face where the source of the disease is located, giving it a natural position. If at the same time there is also a spasm, then you should start with softening, and then dissolve. When you notice signs of a predominance of blood, then let the blood flow from a vessel located under the tongue and place a jar without a cut on the first vertebra.

There is no doubt that the matter which causes facial paralysis is found at the points of exit of the nerves and muscles of the face; therefore, it is good to apply medications that cause redness to the cervical vertebrae and lower jaw, since from them numerous nerve fibers go to the facial muscles.

As for the muscles of the eyelids and face, they are not among such muscles, and the method of treatment for them is to cleanse the front part of the brain, as well as dry poultice on the cervical vertebrae and lower jaw, rubbing the vertebrae and head, especially on a very empty stomach .

Useful remedies for facial paralysis also include constantly washing the face with vinegar and lubricating the above-mentioned places with it, especially if thinning agents were boiled in vinegar or if it was vinegar with mustard ground in it. This is an amazing tool. It is also useful to sit, bending over a boiling decoction of wormwood, yarrow, harmala, laurel and similar substances and burn comb and tamarisk under the patient’s bed; if medications do not help, then cauterize the vessel located behind the ears. In this case, more rinses should be prescribed than in others.

Chewing agents are also used, especially calamus, nutmeg and saliva; Black myrobalans are also chewable medicines. And the chewing medicine should be kept in the affected side of the mouth. The patient is placed in a darkened room. He is injected into the nose with the bile of a crane, hawk, wolf or carp, or the squeezed juice of Indian hemp, marjoram or beetroot, or an infusion of sagapen with iris oil, or furbiyun in the amount of one adasa with human milk. His head is treated with cleansing agents mentioned in the basic rules for treating head diseases.

Tested sneezing medicines for such patients are ritta, that is, the Indian nut, and especially its outer peel, as well as forget-me-not, the squeezed juice of mad cucumber and artanis. Sometimes these remedies are mixed with warming and sneezing agents, for example, with beaver stream, nigella sativum and others. It is best to inject forget-me-not infusion into the nose. If you put two dirhams of this infusion into the nose with one danak of sagapen and half a dirham of olive oil, it helps and even cures in five days.

Sometimes patients are forced to look in the mirror so that they constantly strive to straighten their faces. A slightly distorting one, that is, a Chinese mirror, is best suited for healing the face.

If paralysis occurs in children at the end of spring, then they are given small Atriful to drink for seven days and fed chickpea juice.