Paralysis Periodic Familial Hypokalemic

Today we will look at a very interesting disease - this is, of course, paralysis for 6 months. The hereditary form of the pathology is quite rare, in contrast to the acquired form. The acquired form can develop due to pathological changes in various body systems. Let's look at the most common causes of this disorder. **1. Hypoglycemia.** Symptoms of hypoglycemia may appear when there is an immediate drop in blood sugar. This is a condition in which the concentration of sugar exceeds the norm, that is, higher

Hypokalemic periodic familial paralysis is a rare and little-studied disease. It is relatively rare, so statistics are likely to be very inaccurate. However, the development of the disease can only be assumed based on the results of special examinations; the diagnosis is carried out by a surgeon, orthopedist-traumatologist. The causes are considered to be injuries, inflammatory diseases of the lumbar spine and pinched nerve roots of the spinal cord. If the examination does not reveal factors that could lead to paralysis, laboratory diagnostics are prescribed. Conservative methods and various alternative medicine remedies are used to treat the disease.