

__Paramnesia is a __memory disorder__ in the form of erroneous recognition of faces, objects, events. Accompanied by cryptomnesia - the loss of the ability to tell what happened to an acquaintance or relative who does not remember this acquaintance. The term paramnesia was first introduced after the strokes of _F._ _Kandinsky in 1890.__\

Memory impairments can be situational or dysphoric, that is, periodic and permanent. Memory impairment reflects a disease process in the integrative systems of the brain, combining synaptic transmission and respiration, and it is also possible that the sleep-wake cycle in the brain is disrupted, increasing memory impairment. With a pronounced disturbance of mnestic processes, deautomatization of consciousness occurs or aggravation of mental illnesses occurs - delusions, hallucinations, neuropsychic disorders, psychasthenia, disturbances in the sphere of awareness and behavior in dementia. Dysphoria or amnesia occurs in dementia

MEMORY DISORDERS - A group of clinical memory disorders in which there are difficulties in recall, as opposed to such thinking disorders as reproducing judgments or inferences. This is an understandable reason for their discrepancies in Russian-language and English-language specialized literature. In more detail, we can say this: in conditions of pathology that determines the callus of memory impairment, insufficient memorization is observed in the absence of amnesia.

*Concepts that should be discussed:* **Paramnesia** - a systematic or temporary false (distorted) belief about the past, not accompanied by a critical attitude towards it. A phenomenon characterizing the orienting reflex. With p., events that actually happened and deceptions of perception—psychogenic hallucinations and pseudohallucinations—are often mixed up. P. belongs to the structure of delusions of influence that accompany psychotic states of various origins. There are three forms of P.: pseudoreminiscence, pseudodementia and cryptomnesia. Pseudoreminiscence distinguishes a person from a patient with degenerative brain diseases. For example: the patient put forward the proposal: “To study memory, you need to contact the specialists who created the mnemonic device”; he remembers some episode of the past that was actually absent; at the same time, the speaker is confident in the authenticity of the events described. Pseudo-dementia is characterized by the preservation of elementary emotions and intellectual functions in the presence of false beliefs. Cryptomnesia is a unique subtype of situational anomaly. During the conversation, the patient describes in detail his actions in a certain environment. He is aware and at the same time distortedly represents the circumstances of the occurrence of one or another erroneous reaction. When talking about completely false memories, the term “confabulosis” is used. Cryptomnestic syndrome is distinguished by the structure of Kandinsky-Clerambault syndrome. Selective disruption of memories creates unique orienting reactions characterized by pretentious behavior. The nature of pathological disorders determines the type of patient orientation. They are usually divided into the following options: pseudo-dissonance, paradoxical symptom, hysterical disorientation, neological symptoms. What is pseudoamnesia or syncope cryptomnesia? If a person completely forgets any facts from his life, they usually relate to the period of illness. Also observed in neurotics. As a rule, we are talking about a short period of amnestic degradation associated with some kind of emotional overload. For example, on the eve of exams, a student experienced a state of intense fear - everything that he had studied before his illness was blocked. Over time, the psychopathological state passes, and memories of the final exams are restored. Another condition associated with the use of phrases like “Everything I had disappeared and was sold, lost, I went to the police to find the deceiver.”