Glands Poisonous

Glands of poisonous animals

The glands of poisonous (toxic) animals are special organs that secrete toxic substances that can harm the health of humans or other animals. Such glands can be found in a variety of animal species, including snakes, scorpions, spiders, toads, insects and some fish.

Poisonous substances can be of different types, but usually they contain toxins that cause symptoms such as pain, burning, numbness, paralysis and even death. Some of the most well-known poisonous substances include neurotoxins, which affect the nervous system, and hemotoxins, which cause destruction in the blood.

Most venom glands are found in the tails or stings of animals, but some are found in other parts of the body, such as the mouth, stings, skin glands and even the digestive system. Some animals have venom glands throughout their lives, while in others they appear only during the breeding season or when protecting themselves from predators.

The threat posed by poisonous animals can vary depending on the type of animal and its number. Some species, such as snakes and scorpions, can be very dangerous if you don't know them or have experience handling them. However, knowing how to avoid contact with venomous animals can help reduce the risk of injury or death.

Overall, the glands of venomous animals are an important part of their survival and defense, and understanding their functioning can help people avoid dangerous situations and keep themselves alive and healthy.

A poisonous gland is an animal gland, the secretion of which is poisonous to humans and/or other animals and plants. On the one hand, such a gland can be a good weapon against predators, thus protecting the body of these animals. For example, snakes or toads. They are the ones who can die after a cobra bite only a few days later. However, on the other hand, such an iron is dangerous for us, because such an iron contains poisons. Without these "instruments of death" many animals would be less attractive as prey. One of the most famous glands of poisonous animals is the sting. It is secreted by various wasps, bees and bumblebees.