Globulin Antihemophilic A

Antihemolytic globulin A (AGA) is an endogenous plasma binding protein that is part of the hemolysis prevention system (together with factors VIII and IX). It is produced almost exclusively by red blood cells, in which the synthesis/inactivation ratio is very high.

!["Antihemmolytic globulin" is also called "factor VIII". It plays an important role for humans because it provides the blood with an enzyme that ensures coagulation.]( D1%83%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%BD%20%D0%BF%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%BC%D1%91%2C%20175x135%20px)

Antichylon globulins were initially discovered in the blood serum of people who developed acute hemophilia B. Immunotherapy of such people revealed a specific immunoglobulin in the cerebrospinal fluid, to which antibodies appeared after some time. Schmidt, Denny, Hoffman and Casey isolated the first of the group antibodies - antichilones. Following this, Schmidt-Winham suggested that these antibodies could be obtained from those suffering from chronic hereditary hemophilia (Swiss). These scientists then confirmed this hypothesis after it was discovered that sera from survivors, together with transfusion sera from patients, acted as antichiline sera without the anticoagulant effect.

The blood serum did not exhibit antiactoline or antichiline effects, but created a serum that neutralized chylin-dependent activation

Antihemorrhagic globulin type I

**Antihemorophic globulin A** is also known as **Factor VIII (FVIII)** - this is a blood plasma protein that performs the function of platelet-derived coagulation factor VIII, a coagulative factor of the hematopoietic system, belongs to globulins.

The composition of blood plasma proteins includes more than 30 different fractions; globulins are produced by the liver. Normally, most globulins bind to antibodies and are not excreted with other blood proteins. Factor VIII is also a glycoprotein.

Synonyms: antihemorrhagic factor I, Coagulation factor VIII, Placental factor, Antihemophilic factor (Kring factor), Plasma coagulation factor - VIII (PFC - VIII), Coagulant VIII.

**Synonyms:** antihemorrhagic globulins type I (lat. globulinum anticoagulans primum).
