Paranoia Combinatorial

Combinatorial paranoia is a mental disorder in which a person believes that his life is in danger and other negative events. This disease is characterized by severe anxiety, worry, fear and tension. It can occur in people of any age and gender, but is most common in middle-aged people.

Paranoia manifests itself in the fact that a person begins to notice danger around him, even if there is none. He often finds explanations for his worries and experiences that are not true, and makes people around him believe his fears. This can lead to serious problems in your personal and social life.

The causes of combinatorial paranoia can be different. Some researchers believe that this disease may be associated with hereditary factors, others are confident in the importance of social and psychological factors

Paranoia (from the Greek παρά - through, around and νοῦς - mind, concept) is a mental disorder characterized by persistent distrust of people, especially loved ones, suspicion, a feeling of vague threat, hostility from others, which gives rise to delusional ideas. The prevalence of this disease is 1-2%. Older people are most often affected