Paranoia Original

Paranoia Original: A Study of the Original State of Mental Disorder


Paranoia Original, also known as original or congenital paranoia, is a mental disorder that has been described in outdated research terms by the Latin word "originarius" (original, born). This condition is characterized by chronic and insurmountable illusions and paranoid thoughts that form the basis of the individual's personality and perception of the world. In this article we will look at the main aspects of Original paranoia, its symptoms, causes and possible approaches to treatment.

Features of the Original paranoia:

Paranoia Original is a rare mental disorder and its exact cause still remains unknown. However, there is speculation that a genetic factor may play a key role in the development of this disorder. Individuals suffering from Originalist paranoia typically experience persistent and unreasonable feelings of suspicion, mistrust, and persecution. Their thoughts are often centered around the idea of ​​conspiracies, secret plans against them, and a hidden threat. These illusions and paranoid beliefs can permeate all areas of the patient's life, affecting his relationships, work and social activities.

Signs of Original paranoia:

Symptoms of Original paranoia can vary depending on the individual, but some of the most common signs include:

  1. Ideas of persecution: The patient often believes that he is being watched, being followed, or has enemies out to do harm.

  2. Jealous Delusions: An individual with Originalist paranoia may misinterpret ordinary events and interpret them as evidence of treason or conspiracy.

  3. Mistrust: The patient experiences constant mistrust of people around him, even close relatives and friends.

  4. Illusions of grandeur: Sometimes patients with Original paranoia may develop delusions of grandeur, believing themselves to be special or important figures who attract the close attention of others.

Treatment approaches:

Treatment of Original paranoia can be difficult due to the persistence and strength of the patient's paranoid beliefs. However, some approaches may be useful:

  1. Psychotherapy: Individual psychotherapy can help a patient understand their illusions and negative thoughts and develop strategies to overcome paranoid beliefs. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can be especially helpful in helping patients recognize and change destructive thought patterns.

  2. Pharmacotherapy: In some cases, medications such as antipsychotics may be prescribed to alleviate the symptoms of paranoia and improve the patient's quality of life. However, it is important to note that drug treatment should be prescribed and monitored under the guidance of an experienced psychiatrist.

  3. Support from others: Family and social support play an important role in the treatment of Original paranoia. Support from loved ones and participation in group therapy sessions can help the patient feel understood and supported.


Paranoia Original, or primordial paranoia, is a rare mental disorder characterized by chronic delusions and paranoid thoughts. Treatment of this condition requires a comprehensive approach, including psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy and social support. A better understanding of this disorder and its mechanisms may help improve the diagnosis and treatment of patients suffering from Original paranoia.

Paranoia is a severe mental disorder that manifests itself in the form of an obsessive fear of others and excessive control over one's life. This disorder can lead to serious consequences such as isolation, disruption of family ties, and even harm to oneself or others. At the same time, there are ways to combat paranoia and its manifestations. In this article we will look at a couple of such methods.

The first way to combat paranoid thoughts is to become aware of their nature. Paranoid thoughts are the result of acute fear and anxiety, but they have no specific basis. It is important to learn to think correctly about what is happening so as not to allow fear to distort reality.

The second way is to master yourself and restore self-control. Regular relaxation exercises, deep breathing and meditation can help reduce anxiety and increase self-control. It is also useful to spend time with loved ones who support and help restore trust in the world.

The third way is to ask for help. Paranoia can build over time and lead to disastrous consequences. Therefore, it is very important to consult a specialist for advice and help.