
Paraprostatitis is called inflammation of the perivenous or periolusphincteric spaces (scrotal space) and paraprostatic tissue. These anatomical formations are formed in the area of ​​​​the rectal opening of the outer-lateral division of the rectus abdominis muscle in men. At the level of the origin of the ureters and ileal vesicles, at the junction of the sacrum with the pubic bone, or at the junction of the external genitalia with the muscles of the lower pelvic floor. The terms often used are “lateral paraprostatic abscess,” “scrotal abscess,” or “epispadias.”

Refers to acute or chronic diseases. They are not considered independently aseptic, like simply prostatitis or urethritis, since they are an inflammatory process of the peri-rectal tissue and adjacent structures. In case of paraproctitis, except for rectal difficulties, there are no clinical symptoms. Relapses are possible due to