
Parapsychology is a field of science that studies extrasensory perception, psychokinesis, and other psychic abilities that are observed in some people. This area of ​​science is subject to much controversy and debate because its results cannot always be explained using traditional scientific approaches.

Parapsychology studies phenomena such as telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, aura-vision, tele-vision, psychokinesis and other phenomena associated with human psychic abilities. The goal of parapsychology is to scientifically explain these phenomena and develop techniques that can help people use their psychic abilities in everyday life.

One of the most famous experiments in parapsychology is an experiment using hypersensitive people who can receive information about objects located in another room or even on the other side of town. These people can use their psychic abilities to obtain information about the location of objects, eliminating the possibility of using normal senses such as sight or hearing.

However, despite many years of research in the field of parapsychology, many scientific communities remain skeptical about this field of science. Some scientists believe that many research results in parapsychology can be explained using statistical methods rather than supernatural forces.

Nevertheless, parapsychology remains an interesting field of science that continues to attract the attention of scientists and the public. Many people are convinced that psychic abilities really exist, and they are actively studying this area. Other people believe that parapsychology is just a myth and do not recognize its scientific significance.

In general, parapsychology remains one of the most discussed and controversial areas of science. She continues to attract the attention of scientists and the public, and her research may lead to new discoveries and understanding of what is beyond our normal understanding of the world.

Parapsychology is a science that studies mental phenomena that are beyond explanation by existing scientific models. It is usually associated with extrasensory perception, psychokinesis, and other forms of psychic abilities that are observed in some people.

The study of parapsychology began in the mid-19th century, when many scientists began to become interested in unusual phenomena that could not be explained by known scientific theories. Extrasensory perception, clairvoyance, telepathy, divination and other similar phenomena have been described in various cultures and religions for many centuries, but it was only in the 20th century that they became the subject of systematic scientific study.

There are several areas of parapsychology, including the study of extrasensory perception, psychokinesis, preferential telepathy, hypnosis and other forms of psychic phenomena. Each of these areas has its own characteristics and research methods.

One of the most famous experiments in parapsychology is the Zenger-Schwaler experiment, which was conducted in 1981. In this experiment, participants were shown a series of pictures and were asked to guess which picture would be shown next. The results of the experiment showed that participants could predict future pictures with a probability exceeding 50%, which could not be explained by chance.

However, despite the conduct of many similar experiments and discussion of the results, parapsychology still remains the subject of controversy and criticism from the scientific community. Some scientists believe that psychic phenomena can be explained using existing scientific theories, while others believe that these phenomena cannot be explained by science and are something supernatural.

Despite this, parapsychology continues to attract the attention of the scientific community and the public. Many researchers continue to work in this area, hoping to find answers to many unresolved questions. The future of parapsychology remains uncertain, but no one can deny that this field of science continues to generate interest and curiosity.

Parapsychology is a field of knowledge that studies phenomena that arise in the human psyche, beyond the scope of his understanding and accessible only to perception using special methods. Parapsychology translated from Greek means “near-science” or “the study of super-science.”

Parapsychology arose in the early 20th century, when scientists began to explore unusual phenomena such as telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition and other forms of extrasensory perception. At that time, science was not yet ready to accept such phenomena, so parapsychology became a kind of “waste ground” for those who could not find an explanation for their research.

Today, parapsychology continues to develop, and many scientists continue to study these phenomena. Some of them believe that parapsychology can help us understand the nature of consciousness and connections between people. Others believe that these phenomena are just deception or hallucinations.

One of the most famous studies in the field of parapsychology is the flying saucer experiment. In 1952, several cases occurred in the United States when people observed flying saucers and even participated in their contact. These events were recorded in photographs and videos, and were also described by eyewitnesses.

Currently, parapsychology is a very popular topic of discussion in the media and scientific circles. Many people believe that it can help them better understand themselves and the world around them. However, despite all the research, parapsychology still remains a poorly studied area of ​​knowledge.

However, parapsychology has its advantages. It helps people better understand themselves and their capabilities. In addition, it can become the basis for the creation of new technologies and methods of treating various diseases.

Thus, parapsychology is an interesting and fascinating field of knowledge that is worth studying. It can help us better understand our psyche and the world around us, as well as create new technologies and treatments.

Parapsychology is a field of research and knowledge that studies supersensible and extrasensory phenomena. She explores phenomenal abilities such as telepathy, telekinesis, clairvoyance, precognition and others that defy logical explanation and can cause surprise and disbelief in most of us.

It can be argued that parapsychology, like all metaphysics, is a science about the metaphysical: about what does not exist in the physical world. But metaphysics simply cannot exist without physics, and parapsychology cannot do without physics as a foundation. In fact, since parapsychology is a branch of parascience and at the same time its integral part, all parapsychological phenomena