
Intersex is a condition in which a person has both male and female sexual characteristics. Such people have anatomical features that do not allow them to be clearly classified as male or female.

Intersexuality can manifest itself in different ways. For example, a person may have female reproductive organs, but a male XY chromosome set. Or vice versa - male genital organs and a female set of chromosomes XX. In some cases, the external genitalia do not have distinct male or female features.

The causes of intersexuality vary. These may be genetic abnormalities, hormonal disorders at different stages of development, or abnormalities in the development of the genital organs.

Intersexuality is sometimes called hermaphroditism. However, this term is now considered outdated and incorrect. Unlike hermaphrodites, intersex people do not have simultaneously functioning male and female gonads.

Thus, intersex is a condition characterized by the presence of characteristics of both sexes. However, intersexuality is not a separate third gender, but is a variation of male or female development.

Intersex - nuances and features of this phenomenon

Intersex, or in medical terms, hermaphrodia, is a generic uncertainty that is associated with the presence of organs of the opposite sexes in an individual. This includes cases where a person has both male and female genital organs. This anomaly is a rare phenomenon and occurs in only 0.35% of men; among women it is found 12–15 times less often, on average, one case out of 20,000